[2024-11-07 01:44:47.770676 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running job JobMessage(project='managarm', job='package:karchive', repository='https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm.git', revision='79225efd9f45f30e7da6652ccf68b16e20020184', output='tcp://', build_root='/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker', needed_pkgs={'xz-utils': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '5.4.4_5'}, 'zstd': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.5.6_1'}, 'zlib': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.2.12_7'}, 'bzip2': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.0.8_9'}, 'linux-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.9.3_1'}, 'libdrm-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.4.115_1'}, 'mlibc-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl4102_2'}, 'frigg': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl344_7'}, 'mlibc': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl4102_2'}, 'libxml': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.10.0_7'}, 'xorg-util-macros': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.20.0_6'}, 'xorg-proto': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2023.2_7'}, 'libxtrans': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.5.0_6'}, 'libxext': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.3.5_6'}, 'libxtst': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.2.4_7'}, 'gdbm': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.23_7'}, 'file': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '5.45_5'}, 'util-linux-libs': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.36.2_11'}, 'libexpat': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.5.0_6'}, 'ncurses': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.2_10'}, 'libintl': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.21_9'}, 'libxcrypt': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '4.4.36_5'}, 'readline': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '8.1_9'}, 'python': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '3.10.12_5'}, 'pixman': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.42.2_6'}, 'cairo': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.17.6_9'}, 'libffi': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '3.4.4_5'}, 'gobject-introspection': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.78.1_2'}, 'at-spi2-core': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.48.3_6'}, 'brotli': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.1.0_5'}, 'wayland-protocols': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.32_5'}, 'dbus': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.12.20_7'}, 'xcb-util': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.4.1_7'}, 'xcb-util-cursor': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.1.4_7'}, 'xcb-util-wm': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.4.2_6'}, 'libpng': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.6.40_4'}, 'libxdmcp': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.1.4_6'}, 'libxau': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.0.11_6'}, 'xcb-proto': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.16.0_4'}, 'libxcb': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.16_4'}, 'fontconfig': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.14.2_5'}, 'double-conversion': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '3.3.0_6'}, 'openssl': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.1.1q_7'}, 'xcb-util-render-util': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.3.10_7'}, 'icu': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '73.2_6'}, 'sqlite': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '3.43.2_5'}, 'libice': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.1.1_6'}, 'eudev': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '3.2.10_11'}, 'libinput': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.24.0_5'}, 'wayland': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.22.0_7'}, 'libx11': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.8.7_4'}, 'libsm': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.2.4_6'}, 'xcb-util-keysyms': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.4.1_7'}, 'libjpeg-turbo': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '3.0.0_6'}, 'libxfixes': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.0.1_6'}, 'libxcursor': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.2.1_7'}, 'libxi': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.8.1_6'}, 'xkeyboard-config': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.39_6'}, 'libxkbcommon': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.5.0_6'}, 'libxinerama': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.1.5_6'}, 'mpc': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.3.1_4'}, 'gmp': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.2.1_8'}, 'mpfr': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '4.2.1_5'}, 'gcc': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '13.2.3_3'}, 'graphite2': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.3.14_9'}, 'harfbuzz': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '3.1.2_11'}, 'pcre2': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '10.42_5'}, 'xcb-util-image': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.4.1_7'}, 'libxrender': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.9.11_6'}, 'freetype': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.13.1_5'}, 'libdrm': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.4.115_8'}, 'libiconv': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.17_7'}, 'mtdev': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.1.6_9'}, 'glib': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.78.4_5'}, 'libxdamage': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.1.6_6'}, 'libglvnd': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.7.0_5'}, 'libxrandr': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.5.4_6'}, 'libxshmfence': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.3.2_6'}, 'libxxf86vm': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.1.5_7'}, 'llvm': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '19.1.3_1'}, 'mesa': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '24.0.4_1'}, 'libevdev': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.13.1_6'}, 'qtbase6': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.6.2_3'}}, needed_tools={'host-cmake': {'architecture': {'x86_64'}, 'version': '3.26.4_1'}, 'cross-binutils': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.40_3'}, 'host-ecm': {'architecture': {'x86_64'}, 'version': '6.3.0_1'}, 'system-gcc': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '13.2.3_2'}, 'host-qt6': {'architecture': {'x86_64'}, 'version': '6.6.2_2'}}, prod_pkgs={'karchive': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.3.0_1'}}, prod_tools={}, prod_files=[], tool_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/tool_repo', pkg_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/package_repo', mirror_root='https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/', distfile_path='xbbs/x86_64/') [2024-11-07 01:44:47.771453 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'init'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call: hint: hint: git config --global init.defaultBranch hint: hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command: hint: hint: git branch -m Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/.git/ [2024-11-07 01:44:47.781505 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', 'https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm.git'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) [2024-11-07 01:44:47.790141 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'fetch', 'origin'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) From https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm * [new branch] master -> origin/master [2024-11-07 01:44:49.170254 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'checkout', '--detach', '79225efd9f45f30e7da6652ccf68b16e20020184'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) HEAD is now at 79225ef Merge pull request #397 from no92/thor-initrd [2024-11-07 01:44:49.206976 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbstrap', 'init', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker'}) Creating cargo-home/config.toml [2024-11-07 01:44:54.034367 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-install', '-Uy', '-R', 'https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/package_repo', '-r', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/system-root', '-SM', '--', 'xz-utils', 'zstd', 'zlib', 'bzip2', 'linux-headers', 'libdrm-headers', 'mlibc-headers', 'frigg', 'mlibc', 'libxml', 'xorg-util-macros', 'xorg-proto', 'libxtrans', 'libxext', 'libxtst', 'gdbm', 'file', 'util-linux-libs', 'libexpat', 'ncurses', 'libintl', 'libxcrypt', 'readline', 'python', 'pixman', 'cairo', 'libffi', 'gobject-introspection', 'at-spi2-core', 'brotli', 'wayland-protocols', 'dbus', 'xcb-util', 'xcb-util-cursor', 'xcb-util-wm', 'libpng', 'libxdmcp', 'libxau', 'xcb-proto', 'libxcb', 'fontconfig', 'double-conversion', 'openssl', 'xcb-util-render-util', 'icu', 'sqlite', 'libice', 'eudev', 'libinput', 'wayland', 'libx11', 'libsm', 'xcb-util-keysyms', 'libjpeg-turbo', 'libxfixes', 'libxcursor', 'libxi', 'xkeyboard-config', 'libxkbcommon', 'libxinerama', 'mpc', 'gmp', 'mpfr', 'gcc', 'graphite2', 'harfbuzz', 'pcre2', 'xcb-util-image', 'libxrender', 'freetype', 'libdrm', 'libiconv', 'mtdev', 'glib', 'libxdamage', 'libglvnd', 'libxrandr', 'libxshmfence', 'libxxf86vm', 'llvm', 'mesa', 'libevdev', 'qtbase6'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}}) [*] Updating repository `https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/package_repo/x86_64-repodata' ... x86_64-repodata: [39KB 10%] 100MB/s ETA: 00m00s x86_64-repodata: 39KB [avg rate: 977MB/s] 83 packages will be downloaded: 83 packages will be installed: xz-utils-5.4.4_5 zstd-1.5.6_1 zlib-1.2.12_7 bzip2-1.0.8_9 linux-headers-6.9.3_1 libdrm-headers-2.4.115_1 mlibc-headers-0.0pl4102_2 frigg-0.0pl344_7 mlibc-0.0pl4102_2 libxml-2.10.0_7 xorg-util-macros-1.20.0_6 xorg-proto-2023.2_7 libxtrans-1.5.0_6 libxext-1.3.5_6 libxtst-1.2.4_7 gdbm-1.23_7 file-5.45_5 util-linux-libs-2.36.2_11 libexpat-2.5.0_6 ncurses-6.2_10 libintl-0.21_9 libxcrypt-4.4.36_5 readline-8.1_9 python-3.10.12_5 pixman-0.42.2_6 cairo-1.17.6_9 libffi-3.4.4_5 gobject-introspection-1.78.1_2 at-spi2-core-2.48.3_6 brotli-1.1.0_5 wayland-protocols-1.32_5 dbus-1.12.20_7 xcb-util-0.4.1_7 xcb-util-cursor-0.1.4_7 xcb-util-wm-0.4.2_6 libpng-1.6.40_4 libxdmcp-1.1.4_6 libxau-1.0.11_6 xcb-proto-1.16.0_4 libxcb-1.16_4 fontconfig-2.14.2_5 double-conversion-3.3.0_6 openssl-1.1.1q_7 xcb-util-render-util-0.3.10_7 icu-73.2_6 sqlite-3.43.2_5 libice-1.1.1_6 eudev-3.2.10_11 libinput-1.24.0_5 wayland-1.22.0_7 libx11-1.8.7_4 libsm-1.2.4_6 xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1_7 libjpeg-turbo-3.0.0_6 libxfixes-6.0.1_6 libxcursor-1.2.1_7 libxi-1.8.1_6 xkeyboard-config-2.39_6 libxkbcommon-1.5.0_6 libxinerama-1.1.5_6 mpc-1.3.1_4 gmp-6.2.1_8 mpfr-4.2.1_5 gcc-13.2.3_3 graphite2-1.3.14_9 harfbuzz-3.1.2_11 pcre2-10.42_5 xcb-util-image-0.4.1_7 libxrender-0.9.11_6 freetype-2.13.1_5 libdrm-2.4.115_8 libiconv-1.17_7 mtdev-1.1.6_9 glib-2.78.4_5 libxdamage-1.1.6_6 libglvnd-1.7.0_5 libxrandr-1.5.4_6 libxshmfence-1.3.2_6 libxxf86vm-1.1.5_7 llvm-19.1.3_1 mesa-24.0.4_1 libevdev-1.13.1_6 qtbase6-6.6.2_3 Size to download: 596MB Size required on disk: 2049MB Space available on disk: 757GB [*] Downloading packages xz-utils-5.4.4_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s xz-utils-5.4.4_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] xz-utils-5.4.4_5.x86_64.xbps: [642KB 0%] 64MB/s ETA: 00m00s xz-utils-5.4.4_5.x86_64.xbps: 642KB [avg rate: 10GB/s] xz-utils-5.4.4_5: verifying RSA signature... zstd-1.5.6_1.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s zstd-1.5.6_1.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] zstd-1.5.6_1.x86_64.xbps: [837KB 0%] 77MB/s ETA: 00m00s zstd-1.5.6_1.x86_64.xbps: 837KB [avg rate: 16GB/s] zstd-1.5.6_1: verifying RSA signature... zlib-1.2.12_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m00s zlib-1.2.12_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 13MB/s] zlib-1.2.12_7.x86_64.xbps: [114KB 3%] 75MB/s ETA: 00m00s zlib-1.2.12_7.x86_64.xbps: 114KB [avg rate: 2132MB/s] zlib-1.2.12_7: verifying RSA signature... bzip2-1.0.8_9.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 17MB/s ETA: 00m00s bzip2-1.0.8_9.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 17MB/s] bzip2-1.0.8_9.x86_64.xbps: [60KB 6%] 75MB/s ETA: 00m00s bzip2-1.0.8_9.x86_64.xbps: 60KB [avg rate: 1119MB/s] bzip2-1.0.8_9: verifying RSA signature... linux-headers-6.9.3_1.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s linux-headers-6.9.3_1.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] linux-headers-6.9.3_1.x86_64.xbps: [3064KB 0%] 70MB/s ETA: 00m00s linux-headers-6.9.3_1.x86_64.xbps: 3064KB [avg rate: 52GB/s] linux-headers-6.9.3_1: verifying RSA signature... libdrm-headers-2.4.115_1.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s libdrm-headers-2.4.115_1.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] libdrm-headers-2.4.115_1.x86_64.xbps: [114KB 3%] 72MB/s ETA: 00m00s libdrm-headers-2.4.115_1.x86_64.xbps: 114KB [avg rate: 2064MB/s] libdrm-headers-2.4.115_1: verifying RSA signature... mlibc-headers-0.0pl4102_2.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-headers-0.0pl4102_2.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] mlibc-headers-0.0pl4102_2.x86_64.xbps: [96KB 4%] 16MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-headers-0.0pl4102_2.x86_64.xbps: 96KB [avg rate: 395MB/s] mlibc-headers-0.0pl4102_2: verifying RSA signature... frigg-0.0pl344_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s frigg-0.0pl344_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] frigg-0.0pl344_7.x86_64.xbps: [41KB 9%] 66MB/s ETA: 00m00s frigg-0.0pl344_7.x86_64.xbps: 41KB [avg rate: 686MB/s] frigg-0.0pl344_7: verifying RSA signature... mlibc-0.0pl4102_2.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-0.0pl4102_2.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] mlibc-0.0pl4102_2.x86_64.xbps: [4395KB 0%] 66MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-0.0pl4102_2.x86_64.xbps: 4395KB [avg rate: 71GB/s] mlibc-0.0pl4102_2: verifying RSA signature... libxml-2.10.0_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 16MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxml-2.10.0_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 16MB/s] libxml-2.10.0_7.x86_64.xbps: [2411KB 0%] 98MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxml-2.10.0_7.x86_64.xbps: 2411KB [avg rate: 57GB/s] libxml-2.10.0_7: verifying RSA signature... xorg-util-macros-1.20.0_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s xorg-util-macros-1.20.0_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] xorg-util-macros-1.20.0_6.x86_64.xbps: [23KB 17%] 98MB/s ETA: 00m00s xorg-util-macros-1.20.0_6.x86_64.xbps: 23KB [avg rate: 553MB/s] xorg-util-macros-1.20.0_6: verifying RSA signature... xorg-proto-2023.2_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 9259KB/s ETA: 00m00s xorg-proto-2023.2_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 9259KB/s] xorg-proto-2023.2_7.x86_64.xbps: [586KB 0%] 67MB/s ETA: 00m00s xorg-proto-2023.2_7.x86_64.xbps: 586KB [avg rate: 9863MB/s] xorg-proto-2023.2_7: verifying RSA signature... libxtrans-1.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxtrans-1.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 12MB/s] libxtrans-1.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps: [42KB 9%] 77MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxtrans-1.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps: 42KB [avg rate: 812MB/s] libxtrans-1.5.0_6: verifying RSA signature... libxext-1.3.5_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxext-1.3.5_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] libxext-1.3.5_6.x86_64.xbps: [222KB 1%] 71MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxext-1.3.5_6.x86_64.xbps: 222KB [avg rate: 3941MB/s] libxext-1.3.5_6: verifying RSA signature... libxtst-1.2.4_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxtst-1.2.4_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] libxtst-1.2.4_7.x86_64.xbps: [68KB 5%] 83MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxtst-1.2.4_7.x86_64.xbps: 68KB [avg rate: 1416MB/s] libxtst-1.2.4_7: verifying RSA signature... gdbm-1.23_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s gdbm-1.23_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] gdbm-1.23_7.x86_64.xbps: [392KB 1%] 75MB/s ETA: 00m00s gdbm-1.23_7.x86_64.xbps: 392KB [avg rate: 7365MB/s] gdbm-1.23_7: verifying RSA signature... file-5.45_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m00s file-5.45_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 13MB/s] file-5.45_5.x86_64.xbps: [649KB 0%] 65MB/s ETA: 00m00s file-5.45_5.x86_64.xbps: 649KB [avg rate: 10GB/s] file-5.45_5: verifying RSA signature... util-linux-libs-2.36.2_11.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 16MB/s ETA: 00m00s util-linux-libs-2.36.2_11.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 16MB/s] util-linux-libs-2.36.2_11.x86_64.xbps: [1575KB 0%] 81MB/s ETA: 00m00s util-linux-libs-2.36.2_11.x86_64.xbps: 1575KB [avg rate: 31GB/s] util-linux-libs-2.36.2_11: verifying RSA signature... libexpat-2.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s libexpat-2.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] libexpat-2.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps: [332KB 1%] 67MB/s ETA: 00m00s libexpat-2.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps: 332KB [avg rate: 5587MB/s] libexpat-2.5.0_6: verifying RSA signature... ncurses-6.2_10.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s ncurses-6.2_10.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] ncurses-6.2_10.x86_64.xbps: [2210KB 0%] 100MB/s ETA: 00m00s ncurses-6.2_10.x86_64.xbps: 2210KB [avg rate: 54GB/s] ncurses-6.2_10: verifying RSA signature... libintl-0.21_9.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s libintl-0.21_9.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] libintl-0.21_9.x86_64.xbps: [85KB 4%] 72MB/s ETA: 00m00s libintl-0.21_9.x86_64.xbps: 85KB [avg rate: 1536MB/s] libintl-0.21_9: verifying RSA signature... libxcrypt-4.4.36_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxcrypt-4.4.36_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] libxcrypt-4.4.36_5.x86_64.xbps: [255KB 1%] 67MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxcrypt-4.4.36_5.x86_64.xbps: 255KB [avg rate: 4300MB/s] libxcrypt-4.4.36_5: verifying RSA signature... readline-8.1_9.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s readline-8.1_9.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] readline-8.1_9.x86_64.xbps: [536KB 0%] 78MB/s ETA: 00m00s readline-8.1_9.x86_64.xbps: 536KB [avg rate: 10GB/s] readline-8.1_9: verifying RSA signature... python-3.10.12_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s python-3.10.12_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] python-3.10.12_5.x86_64.xbps: [44MB 0%] 50MB/s ETA: 00m00s python-3.10.12_5.x86_64.xbps: [44MB 23%] 20MB/s ETA: 00m03s python-3.10.12_5.x86_64.xbps: [44MB 72%] 21MB/s ETA: 00m00s python-3.10.12_5.x86_64.xbps: 44MB [avg rate: 29MB/s] python-3.10.12_5: verifying RSA signature... pixman-0.42.2_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s pixman-0.42.2_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] pixman-0.42.2_6.x86_64.xbps: [4350KB 0%] 58MB/s ETA: 00m00s pixman-0.42.2_6.x86_64.xbps: [4350KB 59%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m00s pixman-0.42.2_6.x86_64.xbps: 4350KB [avg rate: 21MB/s] pixman-0.42.2_6: verifying RSA signature... cairo-1.17.6_9.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s cairo-1.17.6_9.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] cairo-1.17.6_9.x86_64.xbps: [6985KB 0%] 98MB/s ETA: 00m00s cairo-1.17.6_9.x86_64.xbps: 6985KB [avg rate: 167GB/s] cairo-1.17.6_9: verifying RSA signature... libffi-3.4.4_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 8065KB/s ETA: 00m00s libffi-3.4.4_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 8065KB/s] libffi-3.4.4_5.x86_64.xbps: [38KB 10%] 71MB/s ETA: 00m00s libffi-3.4.4_5.x86_64.xbps: 38KB [avg rate: 667MB/s] libffi-3.4.4_5: verifying RSA signature... gobject-introspection-1.78.1_2.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s gobject-introspection-1.78.1_2.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] gobject-introspection-1.78.1_2.x86_64.xbps: [2227KB 0%] 70MB/s ETA: 00m00s gobject-introspection-1.78.1_2.x86_64.xbps: 2227KB [avg rate: 38GB/s] gobject-introspection-1.78.1_2: verifying RSA signature... at-spi2-core-2.48.3_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s at-spi2-core-2.48.3_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] at-spi2-core-2.48.3_6.x86_64.xbps: [1367KB 0%] 69MB/s ETA: 00m00s at-spi2-core-2.48.3_6.x86_64.xbps: 1367KB [avg rate: 23GB/s] at-spi2-core-2.48.3_6: verifying RSA signature... brotli-1.1.0_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s brotli-1.1.0_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] brotli-1.1.0_5.x86_64.xbps: [407KB 0%] 72MB/s ETA: 00m00s brotli-1.1.0_5.x86_64.xbps: [407KB 47%] 19MB/s ETA: 00m01s brotli-1.1.0_5.x86_64.xbps: 407KB [avg rate: 40MB/s] brotli-1.1.0_5: verifying RSA signature... wayland-protocols-1.32_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s wayland-protocols-1.32_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] wayland-protocols-1.32_5.x86_64.xbps: [85KB 4%] 91MB/s ETA: 00m00s wayland-protocols-1.32_5.x86_64.xbps: 85KB [avg rate: 1926MB/s] wayland-protocols-1.32_5: verifying RSA signature... dbus-1.12.20_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s dbus-1.12.20_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] dbus-1.12.20_7.x86_64.xbps: [431KB 0%] 71MB/s ETA: 00m00s dbus-1.12.20_7.x86_64.xbps: 431KB [avg rate: 7645MB/s] dbus-1.12.20_7: verifying RSA signature... xcb-util-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s xcb-util-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] xcb-util-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps: [22KB 18%] 69MB/s ETA: 00m00s xcb-util-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps: 22KB [avg rate: 380MB/s] xcb-util-0.4.1_7: verifying RSA signature... xcb-util-cursor-0.1.4_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s xcb-util-cursor-0.1.4_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] xcb-util-cursor-0.1.4_7.x86_64.xbps: [28KB 14%] 70MB/s ETA: 00m00s xcb-util-cursor-0.1.4_7.x86_64.xbps: 28KB [avg rate: 490MB/s] xcb-util-cursor-0.1.4_7: verifying RSA signature... xcb-util-wm-0.4.2_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s xcb-util-wm-0.4.2_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] xcb-util-wm-0.4.2_6.x86_64.xbps: [81KB 4%] 66MB/s ETA: 00m00s xcb-util-wm-0.4.2_6.x86_64.xbps: 81KB [avg rate: 1342MB/s] xcb-util-wm-0.4.2_6: verifying RSA signature... libpng-1.6.40_4.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m00s libpng-1.6.40_4.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 13MB/s] libpng-1.6.40_4.x86_64.xbps: [906KB 0%] 72MB/s ETA: 00m00s libpng-1.6.40_4.x86_64.xbps: 906KB [avg rate: 16GB/s] libpng-1.6.40_4: verifying RSA signature... libxdmcp-1.1.4_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxdmcp-1.1.4_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] libxdmcp-1.1.4_6.x86_64.xbps: [43KB 9%] 63MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxdmcp-1.1.4_6.x86_64.xbps: 43KB [avg rate: 673MB/s] libxdmcp-1.1.4_6: verifying RSA signature... libxau-1.0.11_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxau-1.0.11_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] libxau-1.0.11_6.x86_64.xbps: [18KB 22%] 69MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxau-1.0.11_6.x86_64.xbps: 18KB [avg rate: 304MB/s] libxau-1.0.11_6: verifying RSA signature... xcb-proto-1.16.0_4.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 11MB/s ETA: 00m00s xcb-proto-1.16.0_4.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 11MB/s] xcb-proto-1.16.0_4.x86_64.xbps: [123KB 3%] 60MB/s ETA: 00m00s xcb-proto-1.16.0_4.x86_64.xbps: 123KB [avg rate: 1854MB/s] xcb-proto-1.16.0_4: verifying RSA signature... libxcb-1.16_4.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxcb-1.16_4.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 12MB/s] libxcb-1.16_4.x86_64.xbps: [1226KB 0%] 72MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxcb-1.16_4.x86_64.xbps: 1226KB [avg rate: 22GB/s] libxcb-1.16_4: verifying RSA signature... fontconfig-2.14.2_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s fontconfig-2.14.2_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] fontconfig-2.14.2_5.x86_64.xbps: [585KB 0%] 66MB/s ETA: 00m00s fontconfig-2.14.2_5.x86_64.xbps: 585KB [avg rate: 9678MB/s] fontconfig-2.14.2_5: verifying RSA signature... double-conversion-3.3.0_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s double-conversion-3.3.0_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] double-conversion-3.3.0_6.x86_64.xbps: [64KB 6%] 56MB/s ETA: 00m00s double-conversion-3.3.0_6.x86_64.xbps: 64KB [avg rate: 889MB/s] double-conversion-3.3.0_6: verifying RSA signature... openssl-1.1.1q_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m00s openssl-1.1.1q_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 12MB/s] openssl-1.1.1q_7.x86_64.xbps: [3984KB 0%] 65MB/s ETA: 00m00s openssl-1.1.1q_7.x86_64.xbps: 3984KB [avg rate: 63GB/s] openssl-1.1.1q_7: verifying RSA signature... xcb-util-render-util-0.3.10_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s xcb-util-render-util-0.3.10_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] xcb-util-render-util-0.3.10_7.x86_64.xbps: [19KB 21%] 66MB/s ETA: 00m00s xcb-util-render-util-0.3.10_7.x86_64.xbps: 19KB [avg rate: 311MB/s] xcb-util-render-util-0.3.10_7: verifying RSA signature... icu-73.2_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 8621KB/s ETA: 00m00s icu-73.2_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 8621KB/s] icu-73.2_6.x86_64.xbps: [14MB 0%] 65MB/s ETA: 00m00s icu-73.2_6.x86_64.xbps: [14MB 37%] 21MB/s ETA: 00m01s icu-73.2_6.x86_64.xbps: 14MB [avg rate: 58MB/s] icu-73.2_6: verifying RSA signature... sqlite-3.43.2_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 8475KB/s ETA: 00m00s sqlite-3.43.2_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 8475KB/s] sqlite-3.43.2_5.x86_64.xbps: [6581KB 0%] 65MB/s ETA: 00m00s sqlite-3.43.2_5.x86_64.xbps: 6581KB [avg rate: 105GB/s] sqlite-3.43.2_5: verifying RSA signature... libice-1.1.1_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 7463KB/s ETA: 00m00s libice-1.1.1_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 7463KB/s] libice-1.1.1_6.x86_64.xbps: [190KB 2%] 65MB/s ETA: 00m00s libice-1.1.1_6.x86_64.xbps: 190KB [avg rate: 3092MB/s] libice-1.1.1_6: verifying RSA signature... eudev-3.2.10_11.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s eudev-3.2.10_11.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] eudev-3.2.10_11.x86_64.xbps: [2464KB 0%] 66MB/s ETA: 00m00s eudev-3.2.10_11.x86_64.xbps: [2464KB 61%] 19MB/s ETA: 00m00s eudev-3.2.10_11.x86_64.xbps: 2464KB [avg rate: 32MB/s] eudev-3.2.10_11: verifying RSA signature... libinput-1.24.0_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 11MB/s ETA: 00m00s libinput-1.24.0_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 11MB/s] libinput-1.24.0_5.x86_64.xbps: [1135KB 0%] 67MB/s ETA: 00m00s libinput-1.24.0_5.x86_64.xbps: 1135KB [avg rate: 19GB/s] libinput-1.24.0_5: verifying RSA signature... wayland-1.22.0_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 2674KB/s ETA: 00m00s wayland-1.22.0_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 2674KB/s] wayland-1.22.0_7.x86_64.xbps: [309KB 1%] 60MB/s ETA: 00m00s wayland-1.22.0_7.x86_64.xbps: 309KB [avg rate: 4644MB/s] wayland-1.22.0_7: verifying RSA signature... libx11-1.8.7_4.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s libx11-1.8.7_4.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] libx11-1.8.7_4.x86_64.xbps: [3286KB 0%] 72MB/s ETA: 00m00s libx11-1.8.7_4.x86_64.xbps: 3286KB [avg rate: 58GB/s] libx11-1.8.7_4: verifying RSA signature... libsm-1.2.4_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m00s libsm-1.2.4_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 12MB/s] libsm-1.2.4_6.x86_64.xbps: [87KB 4%] 66MB/s ETA: 00m00s libsm-1.2.4_6.x86_64.xbps: 87KB [avg rate: 1446MB/s] libsm-1.2.4_6: verifying RSA signature... xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m00s xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 13MB/s] xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps: [12KB 34%] 74MB/s ETA: 00m00s xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps: 12KB [avg rate: 215MB/s] xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1_7: verifying RSA signature... libjpeg-turbo-3.0.0_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m00s libjpeg-turbo-3.0.0_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 13MB/s] libjpeg-turbo-3.0.0_6.x86_64.xbps: [598KB 0%] 54MB/s ETA: 00m00s libjpeg-turbo-3.0.0_6.x86_64.xbps: [598KB 32%] 2470KB/s ETA: 00m02s libjpeg-turbo-3.0.0_6.x86_64.xbps: 598KB [avg rate: 7689KB/s] libjpeg-turbo-3.0.0_6: verifying RSA signature... libxfixes-6.0.1_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxfixes-6.0.1_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] libxfixes-6.0.1_6.x86_64.xbps: [59KB 6%] -- stalled -- ETA: 00m00s libxfixes-6.0.1_6.x86_64.xbps: 59KB [avg rate: -- stalled --] libxfixes-6.0.1_6: verifying RSA signature... libxcursor-1.2.1_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxcursor-1.2.1_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] libxcursor-1.2.1_7.x86_64.xbps: [101KB 3%] 67MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxcursor-1.2.1_7.x86_64.xbps: 101KB [avg rate: 1701MB/s] libxcursor-1.2.1_7: verifying RSA signature... libxi-1.8.1_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxi-1.8.1_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] libxi-1.8.1_6.x86_64.xbps: [288KB 1%] 2937KB/s ETA: 00m00s libxi-1.8.1_6.x86_64.xbps: 288KB [avg rate: 207MB/s] libxi-1.8.1_6: verifying RSA signature... xkeyboard-config-2.39_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s xkeyboard-config-2.39_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] xkeyboard-config-2.39_6.x86_64.xbps: [1024KB 0%] 66MB/s ETA: 00m00s xkeyboard-config-2.39_6.x86_64.xbps: 1024KB [avg rate: 17GB/s] xkeyboard-config-2.39_6: verifying RSA signature... libxkbcommon-1.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxkbcommon-1.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] libxkbcommon-1.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps: [621KB 0%] 69MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxkbcommon-1.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps: 621KB [avg rate: 10GB/s] libxkbcommon-1.5.0_6: verifying RSA signature... libxinerama-1.1.5_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxinerama-1.1.5_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] libxinerama-1.1.5_6.x86_64.xbps: [26KB 15%] 66MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxinerama-1.1.5_6.x86_64.xbps: 26KB [avg rate: 427MB/s] libxinerama-1.1.5_6: verifying RSA signature... mpc-1.3.1_4.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s mpc-1.3.1_4.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] mpc-1.3.1_4.x86_64.xbps: [234KB 1%] 64MB/s ETA: 00m00s mpc-1.3.1_4.x86_64.xbps: 234KB [avg rate: 3750MB/s] mpc-1.3.1_4: verifying RSA signature... gmp-6.2.1_8.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 10MB/s ETA: 00m00s gmp-6.2.1_8.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 10MB/s] gmp-6.2.1_8.x86_64.xbps: [412KB 0%] 71MB/s ETA: 00m00s gmp-6.2.1_8.x86_64.xbps: 412KB [avg rate: 7316MB/s] gmp-6.2.1_8: verifying RSA signature... mpfr-4.2.1_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s mpfr-4.2.1_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] mpfr-4.2.1_5.x86_64.xbps: [1004KB 0%] 72MB/s ETA: 00m00s mpfr-4.2.1_5.x86_64.xbps: [1004KB 82%] 8430KB/s ETA: 00m00s mpfr-4.2.1_5.x86_64.xbps: 1004KB [avg rate: 9.9MB/s] mpfr-4.2.1_5: verifying RSA signature... gcc-13.2.3_3.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s gcc-13.2.3_3.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] gcc-13.2.3_3.x86_64.xbps: [83MB 0%] 69MB/s ETA: 00m00s gcc-13.2.3_3.x86_64.xbps: [83MB 9%] 8636KB/s ETA: 00m09s gcc-13.2.3_3.x86_64.xbps: [83MB 21%] 9572KB/s ETA: 00m07s gcc-13.2.3_3.x86_64.xbps: [83MB 37%] 10MB/s ETA: 00m05s gcc-13.2.3_3.x86_64.xbps: [83MB 54%] 11MB/s ETA: 00m03s gcc-13.2.3_3.x86_64.xbps: [83MB 68%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m02s gcc-13.2.3_3.x86_64.xbps: [83MB 81%] 11MB/s ETA: 00m01s gcc-13.2.3_3.x86_64.xbps: [83MB 94%] 11MB/s ETA: 00m00s gcc-13.2.3_3.x86_64.xbps: 83MB [avg rate: 12MB/s] gcc-13.2.3_3: verifying RSA signature... graphite2-1.3.14_9.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s graphite2-1.3.14_9.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] graphite2-1.3.14_9.x86_64.xbps: [114KB 3%] 67MB/s ETA: 00m00s graphite2-1.3.14_9.x86_64.xbps: 114KB [avg rate: 1919MB/s] graphite2-1.3.14_9: verifying RSA signature... harfbuzz-3.1.2_11.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s harfbuzz-3.1.2_11.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] harfbuzz-3.1.2_11.x86_64.xbps: [13MB 0%] 66MB/s ETA: 00m00s harfbuzz-3.1.2_11.x86_64.xbps: [13MB 4%] 9.9MB/s ETA: 00m23s harfbuzz-3.1.2_11.x86_64.xbps: 13MB [avg rate: 244MB/s] harfbuzz-3.1.2_11: verifying RSA signature... pcre2-10.42_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s pcre2-10.42_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] pcre2-10.42_5.x86_64.xbps: [1137KB 0%] 57MB/s ETA: 00m00s pcre2-10.42_5.x86_64.xbps: 1137KB [avg rate: 16GB/s] pcre2-10.42_5: verifying RSA signature... xcb-util-image-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m00s xcb-util-image-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 13MB/s] xcb-util-image-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps: [34KB 11%] 80MB/s ETA: 00m00s xcb-util-image-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps: 34KB [avg rate: 682MB/s] xcb-util-image-0.4.1_7: verifying RSA signature... libxrender-0.9.11_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxrender-0.9.11_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] libxrender-0.9.11_6.x86_64.xbps: [122KB 3%] 71MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxrender-0.9.11_6.x86_64.xbps: 122KB [avg rate: 2175MB/s] libxrender-0.9.11_6: verifying RSA signature... freetype-2.13.1_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m00s freetype-2.13.1_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 13MB/s] freetype-2.13.1_5.x86_64.xbps: [1707KB 0%] 69MB/s ETA: 00m00s freetype-2.13.1_5.x86_64.xbps: 1707KB [avg rate: 29GB/s] freetype-2.13.1_5: verifying RSA signature... libdrm-2.4.115_8.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] -- stalled -- ETA: 00m00s libdrm-2.4.115_8.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: -- stalled --] libdrm-2.4.115_8.x86_64.xbps: [240KB 1%] 72MB/s ETA: 00m00s libdrm-2.4.115_8.x86_64.xbps: 240KB [avg rate: 4347MB/s] libdrm-2.4.115_8: verifying RSA signature... libiconv-1.17_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 17MB/s ETA: 00m00s libiconv-1.17_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 17MB/s] libiconv-1.17_7.x86_64.xbps: [833KB 0%] 63MB/s ETA: 00m00s libiconv-1.17_7.x86_64.xbps: 833KB [avg rate: 13GB/s] libiconv-1.17_7: verifying RSA signature... mtdev-1.1.6_9.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m00s mtdev-1.1.6_9.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 13MB/s] mtdev-1.1.6_9.x86_64.xbps: [70KB 5%] 71MB/s ETA: 00m00s mtdev-1.1.6_9.x86_64.xbps: 70KB [avg rate: 1248MB/s] mtdev-1.1.6_9: verifying RSA signature... glib-2.78.4_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s glib-2.78.4_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] glib-2.78.4_5.x86_64.xbps: [8250KB 0%] 98MB/s ETA: 00m00s glib-2.78.4_5.x86_64.xbps: [8250KB 29%] 8404KB/s ETA: 00m02s glib-2.78.4_5.x86_64.xbps: 8250KB [avg rate: 28MB/s] glib-2.78.4_5: verifying RSA signature... libxdamage-1.1.6_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxdamage-1.1.6_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] libxdamage-1.1.6_6.x86_64.xbps: [25KB 16%] 78MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxdamage-1.1.6_6.x86_64.xbps: 25KB [avg rate: 482MB/s] libxdamage-1.1.6_6: verifying RSA signature... libglvnd-1.7.0_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s libglvnd-1.7.0_5.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] libglvnd-1.7.0_5.x86_64.xbps: [2121KB 0%] 54MB/s ETA: 00m00s libglvnd-1.7.0_5.x86_64.xbps: [2121KB 81%] 8692KB/s ETA: 00m00s libglvnd-1.7.0_5.x86_64.xbps: 2121KB [avg rate: 10MB/s] libglvnd-1.7.0_5: verifying RSA signature... libxrandr-1.5.4_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxrandr-1.5.4_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] libxrandr-1.5.4_6.x86_64.xbps: [107KB 3%] 70MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxrandr-1.5.4_6.x86_64.xbps: 107KB [avg rate: 1868MB/s] libxrandr-1.5.4_6: verifying RSA signature... libxshmfence-1.3.2_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxshmfence-1.3.2_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] libxshmfence-1.3.2_6.x86_64.xbps: [8158B 50%] 69MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxshmfence-1.3.2_6.x86_64.xbps: 8158B [avg rate: 136MB/s] libxshmfence-1.3.2_6: verifying RSA signature... libxxf86vm-1.1.5_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxxf86vm-1.1.5_7.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 12MB/s] libxxf86vm-1.1.5_7.x86_64.xbps: [42KB 9%] 63MB/s ETA: 00m00s libxxf86vm-1.1.5_7.x86_64.xbps: 42KB [avg rate: 655MB/s] libxxf86vm-1.1.5_7: verifying RSA signature... llvm-19.1.3_1.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m00s llvm-19.1.3_1.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 13MB/s] llvm-19.1.3_1.x86_64.xbps: [97MB 0%] 70MB/s ETA: 00m00s llvm-19.1.3_1.x86_64.xbps: [97MB 5%] 7257KB/s ETA: 00m18s llvm-19.1.3_1.x86_64.xbps: [97MB 13%] 8065KB/s ETA: 00m12s llvm-19.1.3_1.x86_64.xbps: [97MB 24%] 8959KB/s ETA: 00m09s llvm-19.1.3_1.x86_64.xbps: [97MB 36%] 9845KB/s ETA: 00m06s llvm-19.1.3_1.x86_64.xbps: [97MB 49%] 10MB/s ETA: 00m05s llvm-19.1.3_1.x86_64.xbps: [97MB 59%] 10MB/s ETA: 00m04s llvm-19.1.3_1.x86_64.xbps: [97MB 72%] 10MB/s ETA: 00m02s llvm-19.1.3_1.x86_64.xbps: [97MB 86%] 11MB/s ETA: 00m01s llvm-19.1.3_1.x86_64.xbps: 97MB [avg rate: 13MB/s] llvm-19.1.3_1: verifying RSA signature... mesa-24.0.4_1.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m00s mesa-24.0.4_1.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 12MB/s] mesa-24.0.4_1.x86_64.xbps: [53MB 0%] 49MB/s ETA: 00m00s mesa-24.0.4_1.x86_64.xbps: [53MB 11%] 11MB/s ETA: 00m07s mesa-24.0.4_1.x86_64.xbps: [53MB 35%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m03s mesa-24.0.4_1.x86_64.xbps: [53MB 56%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m02s mesa-24.0.4_1.x86_64.xbps: [53MB 79%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m01s mesa-24.0.4_1.x86_64.xbps: 53MB [avg rate: 15MB/s] mesa-24.0.4_1: verifying RSA signature... libevdev-1.13.1_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s libevdev-1.13.1_6.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] libevdev-1.13.1_6.x86_64.xbps: [214KB 1%] 8889KB/s ETA: 00m00s libevdev-1.13.1_6.x86_64.xbps: 214KB [avg rate: 464MB/s] libevdev-1.13.1_6: verifying RSA signature... qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps.sig: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps.sig: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 0%] 34MB/s ETA: 00m00s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 4%] 11MB/s ETA: 00m21s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 10%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m17s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 16%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m15s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 21%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m14s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 27%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m12s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 34%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m11s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 40%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m10s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 44%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m09s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 49%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m09s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 55%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m07s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 61%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m06s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 67%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m05s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 72%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m04s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 79%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m03s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 87%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m02s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: [220MB 95%] 13MB/s ETA: 00m00s qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps: 220MB [avg rate: 14MB/s] qtbase6-6.6.2_3: verifying RSA signature... [*] Collecting package files xz-utils-5.4.4_5: collecting files... zstd-1.5.6_1: collecting files... zlib-1.2.12_7: collecting files... bzip2-1.0.8_9: collecting files... linux-headers-6.9.3_1: collecting files... libdrm-headers-2.4.115_1: collecting files... mlibc-headers-0.0pl4102_2: collecting files... frigg-0.0pl344_7: collecting files... mlibc-0.0pl4102_2: collecting files... libxml-2.10.0_7: collecting files... xorg-util-macros-1.20.0_6: collecting files... xorg-proto-2023.2_7: collecting files... libxtrans-1.5.0_6: collecting files... libxext-1.3.5_6: collecting files... libxtst-1.2.4_7: collecting files... gdbm-1.23_7: collecting files... file-5.45_5: collecting files... util-linux-libs-2.36.2_11: collecting files... libexpat-2.5.0_6: collecting files... ncurses-6.2_10: collecting files... libintl-0.21_9: collecting files... libxcrypt-4.4.36_5: collecting files... readline-8.1_9: collecting files... python-3.10.12_5: collecting files... pixman-0.42.2_6: collecting files... cairo-1.17.6_9: collecting files... libffi-3.4.4_5: collecting files... gobject-introspection-1.78.1_2: collecting files... at-spi2-core-2.48.3_6: collecting files... brotli-1.1.0_5: collecting files... wayland-protocols-1.32_5: collecting files... dbus-1.12.20_7: collecting files... xcb-util-0.4.1_7: collecting files... xcb-util-cursor-0.1.4_7: collecting files... xcb-util-wm-0.4.2_6: collecting files... libpng-1.6.40_4: collecting files... libxdmcp-1.1.4_6: collecting files... libxau-1.0.11_6: collecting files... xcb-proto-1.16.0_4: collecting files... libxcb-1.16_4: collecting files... fontconfig-2.14.2_5: collecting files... double-conversion-3.3.0_6: collecting files... openssl-1.1.1q_7: collecting files... xcb-util-render-util-0.3.10_7: collecting files... icu-73.2_6: collecting files... sqlite-3.43.2_5: collecting files... libice-1.1.1_6: collecting files... eudev-3.2.10_11: collecting files... libinput-1.24.0_5: collecting files... wayland-1.22.0_7: collecting files... libx11-1.8.7_4: collecting files... libsm-1.2.4_6: collecting files... xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1_7: collecting files... libjpeg-turbo-3.0.0_6: collecting files... libxfixes-6.0.1_6: collecting files... libxcursor-1.2.1_7: collecting files... libxi-1.8.1_6: collecting files... xkeyboard-config-2.39_6: collecting files... libxkbcommon-1.5.0_6: collecting files... libxinerama-1.1.5_6: collecting files... mpc-1.3.1_4: collecting files... gmp-6.2.1_8: collecting files... mpfr-4.2.1_5: collecting files... gcc-13.2.3_3: collecting files... graphite2-1.3.14_9: collecting files... harfbuzz-3.1.2_11: collecting files... pcre2-10.42_5: collecting files... xcb-util-image-0.4.1_7: collecting files... libxrender-0.9.11_6: collecting files... freetype-2.13.1_5: collecting files... libdrm-2.4.115_8: collecting files... libiconv-1.17_7: collecting files... mtdev-1.1.6_9: collecting files... glib-2.78.4_5: collecting files... libxdamage-1.1.6_6: collecting files... libglvnd-1.7.0_5: collecting files... libxrandr-1.5.4_6: collecting files... libxshmfence-1.3.2_6: collecting files... libxxf86vm-1.1.5_7: collecting files... llvm-19.1.3_1: collecting files... mesa-24.0.4_1: collecting files... libevdev-1.13.1_6: collecting files... qtbase6-6.6.2_3: collecting files... [*] Unpacking packages xz-utils-5.4.4_5: unpacking ... zstd-1.5.6_1: unpacking ... zlib-1.2.12_7: unpacking ... bzip2-1.0.8_9: unpacking ... linux-headers-6.9.3_1: unpacking ... libdrm-headers-2.4.115_1: unpacking ... mlibc-headers-0.0pl4102_2: unpacking ... frigg-0.0pl344_7: unpacking ... mlibc-0.0pl4102_2: unpacking ... libxml-2.10.0_7: unpacking ... xorg-util-macros-1.20.0_6: unpacking ... xorg-proto-2023.2_7: unpacking ... libxtrans-1.5.0_6: unpacking ... libxext-1.3.5_6: unpacking ... libxtst-1.2.4_7: unpacking ... gdbm-1.23_7: unpacking ... file-5.45_5: unpacking ... util-linux-libs-2.36.2_11: unpacking ... libexpat-2.5.0_6: unpacking ... ncurses-6.2_10: unpacking ... libintl-0.21_9: unpacking ... libxcrypt-4.4.36_5: unpacking ... readline-8.1_9: unpacking ... python-3.10.12_5: unpacking ... pixman-0.42.2_6: unpacking ... cairo-1.17.6_9: unpacking ... libffi-3.4.4_5: unpacking ... gobject-introspection-1.78.1_2: unpacking ... at-spi2-core-2.48.3_6: unpacking ... brotli-1.1.0_5: unpacking ... wayland-protocols-1.32_5: unpacking ... dbus-1.12.20_7: unpacking ... xcb-util-0.4.1_7: unpacking ... xcb-util-cursor-0.1.4_7: unpacking ... xcb-util-wm-0.4.2_6: unpacking ... libpng-1.6.40_4: unpacking ... libxdmcp-1.1.4_6: unpacking ... libxau-1.0.11_6: unpacking ... xcb-proto-1.16.0_4: unpacking ... libxcb-1.16_4: unpacking ... fontconfig-2.14.2_5: unpacking ... double-conversion-3.3.0_6: unpacking ... openssl-1.1.1q_7: unpacking ... xcb-util-render-util-0.3.10_7: unpacking ... icu-73.2_6: unpacking ... sqlite-3.43.2_5: unpacking ... libice-1.1.1_6: unpacking ... eudev-3.2.10_11: unpacking ... libinput-1.24.0_5: unpacking ... wayland-1.22.0_7: unpacking ... libx11-1.8.7_4: unpacking ... libsm-1.2.4_6: unpacking ... xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1_7: unpacking ... libjpeg-turbo-3.0.0_6: unpacking ... libxfixes-6.0.1_6: unpacking ... libxcursor-1.2.1_7: unpacking ... libxi-1.8.1_6: unpacking ... xkeyboard-config-2.39_6: unpacking ... libxkbcommon-1.5.0_6: unpacking ... libxinerama-1.1.5_6: unpacking ... mpc-1.3.1_4: unpacking ... gmp-6.2.1_8: unpacking ... mpfr-4.2.1_5: unpacking ... gcc-13.2.3_3: unpacking ... graphite2-1.3.14_9: unpacking ... harfbuzz-3.1.2_11: unpacking ... pcre2-10.42_5: unpacking ... xcb-util-image-0.4.1_7: unpacking ... libxrender-0.9.11_6: unpacking ... freetype-2.13.1_5: unpacking ... libdrm-2.4.115_8: unpacking ... libiconv-1.17_7: unpacking ... mtdev-1.1.6_9: unpacking ... glib-2.78.4_5: unpacking ... libxdamage-1.1.6_6: unpacking ... libglvnd-1.7.0_5: unpacking ... libxrandr-1.5.4_6: unpacking ... libxshmfence-1.3.2_6: unpacking ... libxxf86vm-1.1.5_7: unpacking ... llvm-19.1.3_1: unpacking ... mesa-24.0.4_1: unpacking ... libevdev-1.13.1_6: unpacking ... qtbase6-6.6.2_3: unpacking ... 83 downloaded, 83 installed, 0 updated, 83 configured, 0 removed. [2024-11-07 01:45:53.908123 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: creating repository with existing packages... [2024-11-07 01:45:53.908703 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxrender-0.9.11_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:53.909103 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxrender-0.9.11_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxrender-0.9.11_6' (x86_64). index: 1 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:53.932095 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:53.932698 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `xcb-util-keysyms-0.4.1_7' (x86_64). index: 2 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:53.947881 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found graphite2-1.3.14_9.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:53.948554 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'graphite2-1.3.14_9.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `graphite2-1.3.14_9' (x86_64). index: 3 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:53.970767 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxau-1.0.11_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:53.971419 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxau-1.0.11_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxau-1.0.11_6' (x86_64). index: 4 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:53.992039 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libiconv-1.17_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:53.993557 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libiconv-1.17_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libiconv-1.17_7' (x86_64). index: 5 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.026141 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found brotli-1.1.0_5.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.027088 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'brotli-1.1.0_5.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `brotli-1.1.0_5' (x86_64). index: 6 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.043757 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libevdev-1.13.1_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.044548 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libevdev-1.13.1_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libevdev-1.13.1_6' (x86_64). index: 7 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.064337 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxfixes-6.0.1_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.065007 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxfixes-6.0.1_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxfixes-6.0.1_6' (x86_64). index: 8 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.082656 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libffi-3.4.4_5.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.083277 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libffi-3.4.4_5.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libffi-3.4.4_5' (x86_64). index: 9 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.099504 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found at-spi2-core-2.48.3_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.101978 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'at-spi2-core-2.48.3_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `at-spi2-core-2.48.3_6' (x86_64). index: 10 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.125030 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found xcb-util-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.125625 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'xcb-util-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `xcb-util-0.4.1_7' (x86_64). index: 11 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.140719 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxcrypt-4.4.36_5.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.142383 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxcrypt-4.4.36_5.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxcrypt-4.4.36_5' (x86_64). index: 12 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.159389 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libdrm-headers-2.4.115_1.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.160109 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libdrm-headers-2.4.115_1.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libdrm-headers-2.4.115_1' (x86_64). index: 13 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.184164 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libintl-0.21_9.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.184850 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libintl-0.21_9.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libintl-0.21_9' (x86_64). index: 14 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.197728 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found wayland-1.22.0_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.198558 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'wayland-1.22.0_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `wayland-1.22.0_7' (x86_64). index: 15 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.214847 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libinput-1.24.0_5.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.216338 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libinput-1.24.0_5.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libinput-1.24.0_5' (x86_64). index: 16 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.237238 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found openssl-1.1.1q_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.241319 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'openssl-1.1.1q_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `openssl-1.1.1q_7' (x86_64). index: 17 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.276363 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found ncurses-6.2_10.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.279162 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'ncurses-6.2_10.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `ncurses-6.2_10' (x86_64). index: 18 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.301710 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found gcc-13.2.3_3.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.366414 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'gcc-13.2.3_3.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `gcc-13.2.3_3' (x86_64). index: 19 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.750234 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found bzip2-1.0.8_9.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.750844 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'bzip2-1.0.8_9.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `bzip2-1.0.8_9' (x86_64). index: 20 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.770313 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found xorg-proto-2023.2_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.771558 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'xorg-proto-2023.2_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `xorg-proto-2023.2_7' (x86_64). index: 21 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.790918 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found zlib-1.2.12_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.791556 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'zlib-1.2.12_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `zlib-1.2.12_7' (x86_64). index: 22 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.807427 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libsm-1.2.4_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.808122 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libsm-1.2.4_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libsm-1.2.4_6' (x86_64). index: 23 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.824406 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found mlibc-headers-0.0pl4102_2.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.825095 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'mlibc-headers-0.0pl4102_2.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `mlibc-headers-0.0pl4102_2' (x86_64). index: 24 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.841248 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxshmfence-1.3.2_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.841802 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxshmfence-1.3.2_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxshmfence-1.3.2_6' (x86_64). index: 25 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.858288 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found pixman-0.42.2_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.868584 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'pixman-0.42.2_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `pixman-0.42.2_6' (x86_64). index: 26 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.910153 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found xz-utils-5.4.4_5.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.911361 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'xz-utils-5.4.4_5.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `xz-utils-5.4.4_5' (x86_64). index: 27 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.930612 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxdmcp-1.1.4_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.931382 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxdmcp-1.1.4_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxdmcp-1.1.4_6' (x86_64). index: 28 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.950094 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found xcb-util-render-util-0.3.10_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.950724 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'xcb-util-render-util-0.3.10_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `xcb-util-render-util-0.3.10_7' (x86_64). index: 29 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:54.968201 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found sqlite-3.43.2_5.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:54.974217 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'sqlite-3.43.2_5.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `sqlite-3.43.2_5' (x86_64). index: 30 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:55.021034 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxtrans-1.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:55.022423 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxtrans-1.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxtrans-1.5.0_6' (x86_64). index: 31 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:55.037574 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found llvm-19.1.3_1.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:55.111516 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'llvm-19.1.3_1.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `llvm-19.1.3_1' (x86_64). index: 32 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:55.550235 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxxf86vm-1.1.5_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:55.550819 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxxf86vm-1.1.5_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxxf86vm-1.1.5_7' (x86_64). index: 33 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:55.575393 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found zstd-1.5.6_1.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:55.577457 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'zstd-1.5.6_1.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `zstd-1.5.6_1' (x86_64). index: 34 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:55.603780 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxcb-1.16_4.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:55.605832 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxcb-1.16_4.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxcb-1.16_4' (x86_64). index: 35 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:55.631249 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libx11-1.8.7_4.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:55.635177 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libx11-1.8.7_4.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libx11-1.8.7_4' (x86_64). index: 36 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:55.672743 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxtst-1.2.4_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:55.673394 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxtst-1.2.4_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxtst-1.2.4_7' (x86_64). index: 37 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:55.694174 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found gobject-introspection-1.78.1_2.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:55.697769 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'gobject-introspection-1.78.1_2.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `gobject-introspection-1.78.1_2' (x86_64). index: 38 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:55.724257 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found readline-8.1_9.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:55.725245 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'readline-8.1_9.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `readline-8.1_9' (x86_64). index: 39 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:55.750463 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found mpc-1.3.1_4.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:55.751328 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'mpc-1.3.1_4.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `mpc-1.3.1_4' (x86_64). index: 40 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:55.768935 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found dbus-1.12.20_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:55.773702 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'dbus-1.12.20_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `dbus-1.12.20_7' (x86_64). index: 41 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:55.796968 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libglvnd-1.7.0_5.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:55.799421 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libglvnd-1.7.0_5.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libglvnd-1.7.0_5' (x86_64). index: 42 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:55.831559 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found xorg-util-macros-1.20.0_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:55.832130 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'xorg-util-macros-1.20.0_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `xorg-util-macros-1.20.0_6' (x86_64). index: 43 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:55.850031 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found mesa-24.0.4_1.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:55.891953 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'mesa-24.0.4_1.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `mesa-24.0.4_1' (x86_64). index: 44 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.161228 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libexpat-2.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.162047 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libexpat-2.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libexpat-2.5.0_6' (x86_64). index: 45 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.179714 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found wayland-protocols-1.32_5.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.180362 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'wayland-protocols-1.32_5.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `wayland-protocols-1.32_5' (x86_64). index: 46 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.200244 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libice-1.1.1_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.201150 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libice-1.1.1_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libice-1.1.1_6' (x86_64). index: 47 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.219740 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found glib-2.78.4_5.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.226636 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'glib-2.78.4_5.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `glib-2.78.4_5' (x86_64). index: 48 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.279222 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found icu-73.2_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.293302 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'icu-73.2_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `icu-73.2_6' (x86_64). index: 49 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.365770 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found cairo-1.17.6_9.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.372490 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'cairo-1.17.6_9.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `cairo-1.17.6_9' (x86_64). index: 50 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.419418 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found xcb-util-cursor-0.1.4_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.420015 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'xcb-util-cursor-0.1.4_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `xcb-util-cursor-0.1.4_7' (x86_64). index: 51 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.438426 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found harfbuzz-3.1.2_11.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.450980 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'harfbuzz-3.1.2_11.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `harfbuzz-3.1.2_11' (x86_64). index: 52 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.521432 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxml-2.10.0_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.524658 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxml-2.10.0_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxml-2.10.0_7' (x86_64). index: 53 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.551451 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found eudev-3.2.10_11.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.554471 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'eudev-3.2.10_11.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `eudev-3.2.10_11' (x86_64). index: 54 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.592564 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found xcb-util-wm-0.4.2_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.594212 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'xcb-util-wm-0.4.2_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `xcb-util-wm-0.4.2_6' (x86_64). index: 55 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.618732 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxi-1.8.1_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.620588 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxi-1.8.1_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxi-1.8.1_6' (x86_64). index: 56 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.639323 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxcursor-1.2.1_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.640316 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxcursor-1.2.1_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxcursor-1.2.1_7' (x86_64). index: 57 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.666228 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found util-linux-libs-2.36.2_11.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.668232 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'util-linux-libs-2.36.2_11.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `util-linux-libs-2.36.2_11' (x86_64). index: 58 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.697608 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libjpeg-turbo-3.0.0_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.698987 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libjpeg-turbo-3.0.0_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libjpeg-turbo-3.0.0_6' (x86_64). index: 59 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.718764 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found file-5.45_5.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.719983 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'file-5.45_5.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `file-5.45_5' (x86_64). index: 60 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.741435 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found python-3.10.12_5.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.775347 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'python-3.10.12_5.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `python-3.10.12_5' (x86_64). index: 61 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:56.982244 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libpng-1.6.40_4.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:56.983529 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libpng-1.6.40_4.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libpng-1.6.40_4' (x86_64). index: 62 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:57.010248 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found fontconfig-2.14.2_5.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:57.012121 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'fontconfig-2.14.2_5.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `fontconfig-2.14.2_5' (x86_64). index: 63 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:57.034216 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libdrm-2.4.115_8.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:57.035409 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libdrm-2.4.115_8.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libdrm-2.4.115_8' (x86_64). index: 64 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:57.053921 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxkbcommon-1.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:57.055573 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxkbcommon-1.5.0_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxkbcommon-1.5.0_6' (x86_64). index: 65 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:57.074615 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found gdbm-1.23_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:57.075561 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'gdbm-1.23_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `gdbm-1.23_7' (x86_64). index: 66 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:57.092807 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found mpfr-4.2.1_5.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:57.094461 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'mpfr-4.2.1_5.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `mpfr-4.2.1_5' (x86_64). index: 67 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:57.122359 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found gmp-6.2.1_8.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:57.123404 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'gmp-6.2.1_8.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `gmp-6.2.1_8' (x86_64). index: 68 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:57.146937 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found xcb-util-image-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:57.147580 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'xcb-util-image-0.4.1_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `xcb-util-image-0.4.1_7' (x86_64). index: 69 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:57.167214 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxdamage-1.1.6_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:57.169302 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxdamage-1.1.6_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxdamage-1.1.6_6' (x86_64). index: 70 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:57.189517 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxinerama-1.1.5_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:57.190175 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxinerama-1.1.5_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxinerama-1.1.5_6' (x86_64). index: 71 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:57.215112 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxext-1.3.5_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:57.216147 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxext-1.3.5_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxext-1.3.5_6' (x86_64). index: 72 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:57.238862 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found mlibc-0.0pl4102_2.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:57.243362 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'mlibc-0.0pl4102_2.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `mlibc-0.0pl4102_2' (x86_64). index: 73 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:57.291499 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found frigg-0.0pl344_7.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:57.300995 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'frigg-0.0pl344_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `frigg-0.0pl344_7' (x86_64). index: 74 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:57.324107 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:57.509163 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'qtbase6-6.6.2_3.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `qtbase6-6.6.2_3' (x86_64). index: 75 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:58.511445 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found mtdev-1.1.6_9.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:58.512203 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'mtdev-1.1.6_9.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `mtdev-1.1.6_9' (x86_64). index: 76 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:58.536263 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found freetype-2.13.1_5.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:58.541540 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'freetype-2.13.1_5.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `freetype-2.13.1_5' (x86_64). index: 77 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:58.569663 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found xcb-proto-1.16.0_4.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:58.570922 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'xcb-proto-1.16.0_4.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `xcb-proto-1.16.0_4' (x86_64). index: 78 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:58.592870 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found double-conversion-3.3.0_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:58.593775 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'double-conversion-3.3.0_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `double-conversion-3.3.0_6' (x86_64). index: 79 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:58.622547 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libxrandr-1.5.4_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:58.623440 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libxrandr-1.5.4_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libxrandr-1.5.4_6' (x86_64). index: 80 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:58.641247 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found pcre2-10.42_5.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:58.642973 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'pcre2-10.42_5.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `pcre2-10.42_5' (x86_64). index: 81 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:58.664323 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found xkeyboard-config-2.39_6.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:58.667157 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'xkeyboard-config-2.39_6.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `xkeyboard-config-2.39_6' (x86_64). index: 82 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:45:58.701021 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found linux-headers-6.9.3_1.x86_64.xbps [2024-11-07 01:45:58.704723 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'linux-headers-6.9.3_1.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `linux-headers-6.9.3_1' (x86_64). index: 83 packages registered. [2024-11-07 01:46:15.437363 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbstrap-pipeline', 'run-job', '--keep-going', '--progress-file', 'fd:17', 'package:karchive'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker', 'pass_fds': (17,)}) xbstrap: Running the following plan: fetch karchive checkout karchive patch karchive regenerate karchive install frigg (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libdrm-headers (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install linux-headers (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install mlibc-headers (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install mlibc (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install bzip2 (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libffi (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libiconv (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libintl (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install ncurses (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install readline (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install zlib (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install pcre2 (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install glib (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libexpat (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install dbus (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libpng (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install freetype (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxml (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install fontconfig (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install xorg-util-macros (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install xorg-proto (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxau (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxdmcp (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install xcb-proto (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxcb (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxtrans (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libx11 (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxext (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxrender (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libdrm (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libglvnd (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxfixes (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxdamage (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxrandr (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxshmfence (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxxf86vm (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install llvm (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install wayland (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install wayland-protocols (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install xz-utils (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install zstd (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install mesa (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install pixman (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install cairo (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install gdbm (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxcrypt (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install openssl (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install file (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install util-linux-libs (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install python (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install gobject-introspection (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxi (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxtst (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install at-spi2-core (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install brotli (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install double-conversion (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install gmp (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install mpfr (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install mpc (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install gcc (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install graphite2 (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install icu (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install harfbuzz (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libevdev (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libice (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install eudev (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install mtdev (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libinput (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libjpeg-turbo (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libsm (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxcursor (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxinerama (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install xkeyboard-config (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install libxkbcommon (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install sqlite (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install xcb-util (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install xcb-util-image (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install xcb-util-render-util (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install xcb-util-cursor (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install xcb-util-keysyms (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install xcb-util-wm (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) install qtbase6 (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) configure karchive (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) build karchive (inside sysroot.rz1qatjh) pack karchive xbstrap: fetch karchive [1/90] Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/ports/karchive/.git/ From https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/karchive * [new tag] v6.3.0 -> v6.3.0 * [new tag] v6.3.0-rc1 -> v6.3.0-rc1 xbstrap: checkout karchive [2/90] [2024-11-07 01:46:21.303951 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'fetch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 1, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'karchive'} HEAD is now at e1f622c update version for new release xbstrap: patch karchive [3/90] xbstrap: regenerate karchive [4/90] xbstrap: install frigg [5/90] [2024-11-07 01:46:21.591730 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'checkout', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 2, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'karchive'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'frigg'] [2024-11-07 01:46:21.592493 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'patch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 3, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'karchive'} [2024-11-07 01:46:21.593055 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'regenerate', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 4, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'karchive'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'frigg'] xbstrap: install libdrm-headers [6/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libdrm-headers'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libdrm-headers'] [2024-11-07 01:46:23.964072 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 5, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'frigg'} xbstrap: install linux-headers [7/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'linux-headers'] [2024-11-07 01:46:24.852229 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 6, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libdrm-headers'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'linux-headers'] xbstrap: install mlibc-headers [8/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'mlibc-headers'] [2024-11-07 01:46:25.118160 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 7, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'linux-headers'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'mlibc-headers'] xbstrap: install mlibc [9/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'mlibc'] [2024-11-07 01:46:25.172804 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 8, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'mlibc-headers'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'mlibc'] xbstrap: install bzip2 [10/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'bzip2'] [2024-11-07 01:46:25.262658 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 9, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'mlibc'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'bzip2'] xbstrap: install libffi [11/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libffi'] [2024-11-07 01:46:25.289979 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 10, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'bzip2'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libffi'] xbstrap: install libiconv [12/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libiconv'] [2024-11-07 01:46:25.306960 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 11, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libffi'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libiconv'] xbstrap: install libintl [13/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libintl'] [2024-11-07 01:46:25.342492 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 12, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libiconv'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libintl'] xbstrap: install ncurses [14/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'ncurses'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'ncurses'] [2024-11-07 01:46:25.390071 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 13, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libintl'} xbstrap: install readline [15/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'readline'] [2024-11-07 01:46:25.645983 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 14, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'ncurses'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'readline'] xbstrap: install zlib [16/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'zlib'] [2024-11-07 01:46:25.686285 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 15, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'readline'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'zlib'] xbstrap: install pcre2 [17/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'pcre2'] [2024-11-07 01:46:25.730765 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 16, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'zlib'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'pcre2'] xbstrap: install glib [18/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'glib'] [2024-11-07 01:46:25.786815 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 17, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'pcre2'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'glib'] xbstrap: install libexpat [19/90] [2024-11-07 01:46:25.967933 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 18, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'glib'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libexpat'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libexpat'] xbstrap: install dbus [20/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'dbus'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.026702 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 19, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libexpat'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'dbus'] xbstrap: install libpng [21/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libpng'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libpng'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.066393 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 20, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'dbus'} xbstrap: install freetype [22/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'freetype'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.173086 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 21, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libpng'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'freetype'] xbstrap: install libxml [23/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxml'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxml'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.215623 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 22, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'freetype'} xbstrap: install fontconfig [24/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'fontconfig'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'fontconfig'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.296730 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 23, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxml'} xbstrap: install xorg-util-macros [25/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'xorg-util-macros'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.338508 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 24, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'fontconfig'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'xorg-util-macros'] xbstrap: install xorg-proto [26/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'xorg-proto'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.364244 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 25, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'xorg-util-macros'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'xorg-proto'] xbstrap: install libxau [27/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxau'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.416074 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 26, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'xorg-proto'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxau'] xbstrap: install libxdmcp [28/90] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.436469 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 27, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxau'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxdmcp'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxdmcp'] xbstrap: install xcb-proto [29/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'xcb-proto'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.460220 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 28, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxdmcp'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'xcb-proto'] xbstrap: install libxcb [30/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxcb'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxcb'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.487020 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 29, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'xcb-proto'} xbstrap: install libxtrans [31/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxtrans'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.668380 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 30, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxcb'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxtrans'] xbstrap[2024-11-07 01:46:26.687489 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 31, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxtrans'} : install libx11 [32/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libx11'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libx11'] xbstrap: install libxext [33/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxext'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.811286 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 32, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libx11'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxext'] xbstrap: install libxrender [34/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxrender'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.830105 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 33, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxext'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxrender'] xbstrap: install libdrm [35/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libdrm'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.846456 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 34, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxrender'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libdrm'] xbstrap: install libglvnd [36/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libglvnd'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.868205 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 35, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libdrm'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libglvnd'] xbstrap: install libxfixes [37/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxfixes'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.917614 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 36, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libglvnd'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxfixes'] xbstrap: install libxdamage [38/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxdamage'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.928820 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 37, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxfixes'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxdamage'] xbstrap: install libxrandr [39/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxrandr'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.942166 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 38, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxdamage'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxrandr'] xbstrap: install libxshmfence [40/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxshmfence'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.961800 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 39, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxrandr'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxshmfence'] xbstrap: install libxxf86vm [41/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxxf86vm'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.975794 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 40, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxshmfence'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxxf86vm'] xbstrap: install llvm [42/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'llvm'] [2024-11-07 01:46:26.995056 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 41, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxxf86vm'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'llvm'] xbstrap: install wayland [43/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'wayland'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'wayland'] [2024-11-07 01:46:28.693061 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 42, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'llvm'} xbstrap: install wayland-protocols [44/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'wayland-protocols'] [2024-11-07 01:46:28.731498 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 43, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'wayland'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'wayland-protocols'] xbstrap: install xz-utils [45/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'xz-utils'] [2024-11-07 01:46:28.752691 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 44, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'wayland-protocols'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'xz-utils'] xbstrap: install zstd [46/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'zstd'] [2024-11-07 01:46:28.785301 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 45, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'xz-utils'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'zstd'] xbstrap: install mesa [47/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'mesa'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'mesa'] [2024-11-07 01:46:28.814817 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 46, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'zstd'} xbstrap: install pixman [48/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'pixman'] [2024-11-07 01:46:29.513932 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 47, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'mesa'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'pixman'] xbstrap: install cairo [49/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'cairo'] [2024-11-07 01:46:29.577889 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 48, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'pixman'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'cairo'] xbstrap: install gdbm [50/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'gdbm'] [2024-11-07 01:46:29.693450 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 49, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'cairo'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'gdbm'] xbstrap: install libxcrypt [51/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxcrypt'] [2024-11-07 01:46:29.716509 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 50, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'gdbm'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxcrypt'] xbstrap: install openssl [52/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'openssl'] [2024-11-07 01:46:29.738558 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 51, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxcrypt'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'openssl'] xbstrap: install file [53/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'file'] [2024-11-07 01:46:30.206457 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 52, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'openssl'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'file'] xbstrap: install util-linux-libs [54/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'util-linux-libs'] [2024-11-07 01:46:30.239595 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 53, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'file'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'util-linux-libs'] xbstrap: install python [55/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'python'] [2024-11-07 01:46:30.281647 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 54, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'util-linux-libs'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'python'] xbstrap: install gobject-introspection [56/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'gobject-introspection'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'gobject-introspection'] [2024-11-07 01:46:31.285964 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 55, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'python'} xbstrap: install libxi [57/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxi'] [2024-11-07 01:46:31.350735 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 56, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'gobject-introspection'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxi'] xbstrap: install libxtst [58/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxtst'] [2024-11-07 01:46:31.371157 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 57, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxi'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxtst'] xbstrap: install at-spi2-core [59/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'at-spi2-core'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'at-spi2-core'] [2024-11-07 01:46:31.391030 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 58, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxtst'} xbstrap: install brotli [60/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'brotli'] [2024-11-07 01:46:31.443521 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 59, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'at-spi2-core'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'brotli'] xbstrap: install double-conversion [61/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'double-conversion'] [2024-11-07 01:46:31.460088 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 60, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'brotli'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'double-conversion'] xbstrap: install gmp [62/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'gmp'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'gmp'] [2024-11-07 01:46:31.475545 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 61, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'double-conversion'} xbstrap: install mpfr [63/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'mpfr'] [2024-11-07 01:46:31.499841 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 62, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'gmp'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'mpfr'] xbstrap: install mpc [64/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'mpc'] [2024-11-07 01:46:31.525397 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 63, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'mpfr'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'mpc'] xbstrap: install gcc [65/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'gcc'] [2024-11-07 01:46:31.542067 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 64, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'mpc'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'gcc'] xbstrap: install graphite2 [66/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'graphite2'] [2024-11-07 01:46:32.668366 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 65, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'gcc'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'graphite2'] xbstrap: install icu [67/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'icu'] [2024-11-07 01:46:32.680953 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 66, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'graphite2'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'icu'] xbstrap: install harfbuzz [68/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'harfbuzz'] [2024-11-07 01:46:32.877752 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 67, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'icu'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'harfbuzz'] xbstrap: install libevdev [69/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libevdev'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.047309 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 68, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'harfbuzz'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libevdev'] xbstrap: install libice [70/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libice'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.066159 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 69, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libevdev'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libice'] xbstrap: install eudev [71/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'eudev'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.084447 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 70, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libice'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'eudev'] xbstrap: install mtdev [72/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'mtdev'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.138585 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 71, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'eudev'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'mtdev'] xbstrap: install libinput [73/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libinput'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.154957 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 72, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'mtdev'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libinput'] xbstrap: install libjpeg-turbo [74/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libjpeg-turbo'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.190019 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 73, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libinput'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libjpeg-turbo'] xbstrap: install libsm [75/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libsm'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.221000 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 74, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libjpeg-turbo'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libsm'] xbstrap: install libxcursor [76/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxcursor'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.236470 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 75, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libsm'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxcursor'] xbstrap: install libxinerama [77/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxinerama'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxinerama'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.255854 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 76, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxcursor'} xbstrap: install xkeyboard-config [78/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'xkeyboard-config'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.270294 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 77, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxinerama'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'xkeyboard-config'] xbstrap: install libxkbcommon [79/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'libxkbcommon'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.333913 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 78, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'xkeyboard-config'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libxkbcommon'] xbstrap: install sqlite [80/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'sqlite'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.358971 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 79, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libxkbcommon'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'sqlite'] xbstrap: install xcb-util [81/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'xcb-util'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.450110 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 80, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'sqlite'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'xcb-util'] xbstrap: install xcb-util-image [82/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'xcb-util-image'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.464268 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 81, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'xcb-util'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'xcb-util-image'] xbstrap: install xcb-util-render-util [83/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'xcb-util-render-util'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.479159 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 82, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'xcb-util-image'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'xcb-util-render-util'] xbstrap: install xcb-util-cursor [84/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'xcb-util-cursor'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.492316 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 83, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'xcb-util-render-util'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'xcb-util-cursor'] xbstrap: install xcb-util-keysyms [85/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'xcb-util-keysyms'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.507215 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 84, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'xcb-util-cursor'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'xcb-util-keysyms'] xbstrap: install xcb-util-wm [86/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'xcb-util-wm'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.521276 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 85, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'xcb-util-keysyms'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'xcb-util-wm'] xbstrap: install qtbase6 [87/90] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', 'qtbase6'] [2024-11-07 01:46:33.536253 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 86, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'xcb-util-wm'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.rz1qatjh', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'qtbase6'] xbstrap: configure karchive [88/90] [2024-11-07 01:46:36.484383 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 87, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'qtbase6'} xbstrap: Running ['cmake', '-GNinja', '-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr', '-DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=@SOURCE_ROOT@/scripts/CMakeToolchain-@OPTION:arch-triple@.txt', '-DECM_DIR=@BUILD_ROOT@/tools/host-ecm', '-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug', '-DQT_MAJOR_VERSION=6', '-DBUILD_TESTING=OFF', '-DBUILD_QCH=FALSE', '-DKDE_INSTALL_USE_QT_SYS_PATHS=ON', '-DKF_IGNORE_PLATFORM_CHECK=TRUE', '@THIS_SOURCE_DIR@'] (tools: ['host-ecm', 'host-cmake', 'host-qt6', 'system-gcc', 'cross-binutils']) via cbuildrt PID init is 3058356 (outside the namespace) -- The C compiler identification is GNU 13.2.0 -- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 13.2.0 -- Detecting C compiler ABI info -- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working C compiler: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/tools/system-gcc/bin/x86_64-managarm-gcc - skipped -- Detecting C compile features -- Detecting C compile features - done -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info -- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done -- Check for working CXX compiler: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/tools/system-gcc/bin/x86_64-managarm-g++ - skipped -- Detecting CXX compile features -- Detecting CXX compile features - done -- Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. -- Performing Test HAVE_STDATOMIC -- Performing Test HAVE_STDATOMIC - Success -- Found WrapAtomic: TRUE -- Looking for __GLIBC__ -- Looking for __GLIBC__ - not found -- Performing Test _OFFT_IS_64BIT -- Performing Test _OFFT_IS_64BIT - Success -- Performing Test HAVE_DATE_TIME -- Performing Test HAVE_DATE_TIME - Success -- Performing Test BSYMBOLICFUNCTIONS_AVAILABLE -- Performing Test BSYMBOLICFUNCTIONS_AVAILABLE - Success fatal: HEAD does not point to a branch -- Found ZLIB: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/system-root/usr/lib/libz.so (found version "1.2.12") -- Found BZip2: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/system-root/usr/lib/libbz2.a (found version "1.0.8") -- Looking for BZ2_bzCompressInit -- Looking for BZ2_bzCompressInit - found -- Looking for lzma_auto_decoder in /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/system-root/usr/lib/liblzma.so -- Looking for lzma_auto_decoder in /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/system-root/usr/lib/liblzma.so - found -- Looking for lzma_easy_encoder in /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/system-root/usr/lib/liblzma.so -- Looking for lzma_easy_encoder in /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/system-root/usr/lib/liblzma.so - found -- Looking for lzma_lzma_preset in /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/system-root/usr/lib/liblzma.so -- Looking for lzma_lzma_preset in /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/system-root/usr/lib/liblzma.so - found -- Found LibLZMA: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/system-root/usr/lib/liblzma.so (found version "5.4.4") -- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version "1.8.1") -- Checking for module 'libzstd' -- Found libzstd, version 1.5.6 -- Performing Test COMPILER_HAS_HIDDEN_VISIBILITY -- Performing Test COMPILER_HAS_HIDDEN_VISIBILITY - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_HAS_HIDDEN_INLINE_VISIBILITY -- Performing Test COMPILER_HAS_HIDDEN_INLINE_VISIBILITY - Success -- Performing Test COMPILER_HAS_DEPRECATED_ATTR -- Performing Test COMPILER_HAS_DEPRECATED_ATTR - Success -- The following features have been enabled: * LibZstd, Support for zstd compressed files and data streams -- The following OPTIONAL packages have been found: * Qt6CoreTools (required version >= 6.6.2) * Qt6LinguistTools -- The following REQUIRED packages have been found: * ECM (required version >= 6.3.0), Extra CMake Modules., * Qt6Core (required version >= 6.5.0) * ZLIB, Support for gzip compressed files and data streams, Support for gzip compressed files and data streams * BZip2, Support for BZip2 compressed files and data streams, Support for BZip2 compressed files and data streams * LibLZMA, Support for xz compressed files and data streams, Support for xz compressed files and data streams * PkgConfig * Qt6HostInfo * Qt6 -- The following features have been disabled: * QCH, API documentation in QCH format (for e.g. Qt Assistant, Qt Creator & KDevelop) -- Configuring done (1.9s) -- Generating done (0.0s) -- Build files have been written to: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/karchive xbstrap: build karchive [89/90] [2024-11-07 01:46:38.606759 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'configure', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 88, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'karchive'} xbstrap: Running ['ninja'] (tools: ['host-ecm', 'host-cmake', 'host-qt6', 'system-gcc', 'cross-binutils']) via cbuildrt PID init is 3058583 (outside the namespace) [1/58] Generating ECMPoQm/bg/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [2/58] Generating ECMPoQm/ast/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [3/58] Generating ECMPoQm/ca/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [4/58] Generating ECMPoQm/ca@valencia/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [5/58] Generating ECMPoQm/de/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [6/58] Generating ECMPoQm/en_GB/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [7/58] Generating ECMPoQm/ar/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [8/58] Generating ECMPoQm/cs/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [9/58] Generating ECMPoQm/eo/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [10/58] Generating ECMPoQm/eu/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [11/58] Generating ECMPoQm/fi/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [12/58] Generating ECMPoQm/gl/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [13/58] Generating ECMPoQm/es/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [14/58] Generating ECMPoQm/he/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [15/58] Generating ECMPoQm/fr/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [16/58] Generating ECMPoQm/hu/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [17/58] Generating ECMPoQm/id/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [18/58] Generating ECMPoQm/ia/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [19/58] Generating ECMPoQm/it/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [20/58] Generating ECMPoQm/ja/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [21/58] Generating ECMPoQm/ka/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [22/58] Generating ECMPoQm/ko/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [23/58] Generating ECMPoQm/lt/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [24/58] Generating ECMPoQm/lv/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [25/58] Generating ECMPoQm/nl/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [26/58] Generating ECMPoQm/pa/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [27/58] Generating ECMPoQm/pt/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [28/58] Generating ECMPoQm/nn/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [29/58] Generating ECMPoQm/pl/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [30/58] Generating ECMPoQm/ro/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [31/58] Generating ECMPoQm/sk/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [32/58] Generating ECMPoQm/ta/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [33/58] Generating ECMPoQm/ru/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [34/58] Generating ECMPoQm/sl/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [35/58] Generating ECMPoQm/tr/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [36/58] Generating ECMPoQm/uk/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [37/58] Generating ECMPoQm/zh_CN/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [38/58] Generating ECMPoQm/zh_TW/karchive6_qt.qm Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. Detected locale "C" with character encoding "ANSI_X3.4-1968", which is not UTF-8. Qt depends on a UTF-8 locale, and has switched to "C.UTF-8" instead. If this causes problems, reconfigure your locale. See the locale(1) manual for more information. [39/58] Automatic MOC for target KF6Archive [40/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/KF6Archive_autogen/mocs_compilation.cpp.o [41/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/kfilterbase.cpp.o [42/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/kxzfilter.cpp.o [43/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/kgzipfilter.cpp.o /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/ports/karchive/src/kgzipfilter.cpp: In member function ‘bool KGzipFilter::init(int, Flag)’: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/ports/karchive/src/kgzipfilter.cpp:74:26: warning: zero as null pointer constant [-Wzero-as-null-pointer-constant] 74 | d->zStream.next_in = Z_NULL; | ^~~~~~ [44/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/kbzip2filter.cpp.o [45/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/kzstdfilter.cpp.o [46/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/kar.cpp.o [47/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/ECMQmLoader-karchive6_qt.cpp.o [48/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/kcompressiondevice.cpp.o [49/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/karchive.cpp.o [50/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/klimitediodevice.cpp.o [51/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/k7zip.cpp.o [52/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/knonefilter.cpp.o [53/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/ktar.cpp.o [54/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/loggingcategory.cpp.o [55/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/krcc.cpp.o [56/58] Building CXX object src/CMakeFiles/KF6Archive.dir/kzip.cpp.o [57/58] Linking CXX shared library bin/libKF6Archive.so.6.3.0 [58/58] Creating library symlink bin/libKF6Archive.so.6 bin/libKF6Archive.so xbstrap: Running ['ninja', 'install'] (tools: ['host-ecm', 'host-cmake', 'host-qt6', 'system-gcc', 'cross-binutils']) via cbuildrt PID init is 3058792 (outside the namespace) [0/1] Install the project... -- Install configuration: "Debug" -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/lib/libKF6Archive.so.6.3.0 -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/lib/libKF6Archive.so.6 -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/lib/libKF6Archive.so -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/karchive_export.h -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/KArchive -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/KArchiveEntry -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/KArchiveFile -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/KArchiveDirectory -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/KAr -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/KCompressionDevice -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/KFilterBase -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/KRcc -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/KTar -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/KZip -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/KZipFileEntry -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/karchive.h -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/karchiveentry.h -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/karchivefile.h -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/karchivedirectory.h -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/kar.h -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/kcompressiondevice.h -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/kfilterbase.h -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/krcc.h -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/ktar.h -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/kzip.h -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/kzipfileentry.h -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/K7Zip -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/k7zip.h -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/qlogging-categories6/karchive.categories -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/qlogging-categories6/karchive.renamecategories -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/ar/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/ast/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/ca/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/ca@valencia/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/en_GB/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/eo/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/eu/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/fi/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/gl/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/he/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/ia/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/id/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/ka/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/ko/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/lt/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/lv/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/nl/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/nn/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/pa/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/ro/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/sk/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/sl/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/ta/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/uk/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/share/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/karchive6_qt.qm -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/include/KF6/KArchive/karchive_version.h -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/lib/cmake/KF6Archive/KF6ArchiveConfig.cmake -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/lib/cmake/KF6Archive/KF6ArchiveConfigVersion.cmake -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/lib/cmake/KF6Archive/KF6ArchiveTargets.cmake -- Installing: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/karchive.collect/usr/lib/cmake/KF6Archive/KF6ArchiveTargets-debug.cmake xbstrap: pack karchive [90/90] [2024-11-07 01:46:48.520906 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'build', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 89, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'karchive'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-create', '-A', 'x86_64', '-s', 'karchive', '-n', 'karchive-6.3.0_1', '-D', 'mlibc>=0 qtbase6>=0 bzip2>=0 zstd>=0 zlib>=0', '--desc', 'Framework for reading, creation, and manipulation of various archive formats', '--long-desc', 'This package provides a framework for reading, creation, and manipulation of various archive formats.', '--license', 'LGPL-2.1-only GPL-2.0-only', '--homepage', 'https://develop.kde.org/products/frameworks/', '--maintainer', 'Dennis Bonke ', '--tags', 'kde-frameworks', '/tmp/tmphsd4kzpq'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo/karchive-6.3.0_1.x86_64.xbps'] (x86_64) [2024-11-07 01:46:49.039202 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'pack', 'architecture': 'x86_64', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 90, 'n_this': 90, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'karchive'} [2024-11-07 01:46:49.080599 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: successfully uploaded package karchive for JobMessage(project='managarm', job='package:karchive', repository='https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm.git', revision='79225efd9f45f30e7da6652ccf68b16e20020184', output='tcp://', build_root='/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker', needed_pkgs={'xz-utils': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '5.4.4_5'}, 'zstd': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.5.6_1'}, 'zlib': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.2.12_7'}, 'bzip2': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.0.8_9'}, 'linux-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.9.3_1'}, 'libdrm-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.4.115_1'}, 'mlibc-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl4102_2'}, 'frigg': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl344_7'}, 'mlibc': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl4102_2'}, 'libxml': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.10.0_7'}, 'xorg-util-macros': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.20.0_6'}, 'xorg-proto': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2023.2_7'}, 'libxtrans': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.5.0_6'}, 'libxext': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.3.5_6'}, 'libxtst': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.2.4_7'}, 'gdbm': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.23_7'}, 'file': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '5.45_5'}, 'util-linux-libs': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.36.2_11'}, 'libexpat': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.5.0_6'}, 'ncurses': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.2_10'}, 'libintl': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.21_9'}, 'libxcrypt': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '4.4.36_5'}, 'readline': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '8.1_9'}, 'python': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '3.10.12_5'}, 'pixman': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.42.2_6'}, 'cairo': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.17.6_9'}, 'libffi': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '3.4.4_5'}, 'gobject-introspection': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.78.1_2'}, 'at-spi2-core': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.48.3_6'}, 'brotli': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.1.0_5'}, 'wayland-protocols': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.32_5'}, 'dbus': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.12.20_7'}, 'xcb-util': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.4.1_7'}, 'xcb-util-cursor': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.1.4_7'}, 'xcb-util-wm': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.4.2_6'}, 'libpng': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.6.40_4'}, 'libxdmcp': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.1.4_6'}, 'libxau': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.0.11_6'}, 'xcb-proto': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.16.0_4'}, 'libxcb': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.16_4'}, 'fontconfig': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.14.2_5'}, 'double-conversion': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '3.3.0_6'}, 'openssl': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.1.1q_7'}, 'xcb-util-render-util': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.3.10_7'}, 'icu': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '73.2_6'}, 'sqlite': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '3.43.2_5'}, 'libice': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.1.1_6'}, 'eudev': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '3.2.10_11'}, 'libinput': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.24.0_5'}, 'wayland': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.22.0_7'}, 'libx11': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.8.7_4'}, 'libsm': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.2.4_6'}, 'xcb-util-keysyms': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.4.1_7'}, 'libjpeg-turbo': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '3.0.0_6'}, 'libxfixes': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.0.1_6'}, 'libxcursor': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.2.1_7'}, 'libxi': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.8.1_6'}, 'xkeyboard-config': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.39_6'}, 'libxkbcommon': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.5.0_6'}, 'libxinerama': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.1.5_6'}, 'mpc': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.3.1_4'}, 'gmp': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.2.1_8'}, 'mpfr': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '4.2.1_5'}, 'gcc': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '13.2.3_3'}, 'graphite2': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.3.14_9'}, 'harfbuzz': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '3.1.2_11'}, 'pcre2': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '10.42_5'}, 'xcb-util-image': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.4.1_7'}, 'libxrender': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.9.11_6'}, 'freetype': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.13.1_5'}, 'libdrm': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.4.115_8'}, 'libiconv': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.17_7'}, 'mtdev': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.1.6_9'}, 'glib': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.78.4_5'}, 'libxdamage': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.1.6_6'}, 'libglvnd': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.7.0_5'}, 'libxrandr': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.5.4_6'}, 'libxshmfence': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.3.2_6'}, 'libxxf86vm': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.1.5_7'}, 'llvm': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '19.1.3_1'}, 'mesa': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '24.0.4_1'}, 'libevdev': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.13.1_6'}, 'qtbase6': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.6.2_3'}}, needed_tools={'host-cmake': {'architecture': {'x86_64'}, 'version': '3.26.4_1'}, 'cross-binutils': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.40_3'}, 'host-ecm': {'architecture': {'x86_64'}, 'version': '6.3.0_1'}, 'system-gcc': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '13.2.3_2'}, 'host-qt6': {'architecture': {'x86_64'}, 'version': '6.6.2_2'}}, prod_pkgs={'karchive': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.3.0_1'}}, prod_tools={}, prod_files=[], tool_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/tool_repo', pkg_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/package_repo', mirror_root='https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/', distfile_path='xbbs/x86_64/') [2024-11-07 01:46:50.026367 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: job done. return code: 0