[2025-02-23 07:36:29.366979 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running job JobMessage(project='managarm', job='package:gdbm', repository='https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm.git', revision='b59a952a8f88ff4944d2a11bdff29e377e22a4b1', output='tcp://', build_root='/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker', needed_pkgs={'libdrm-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.4.115_2'}, 'mlibc-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl4279_2'}, 'linux-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.12.8_2'}, 'frigg': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl352_7'}, 'mlibc': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl4279_2'}}, needed_tools={'system-gcc': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '14.2.0_1'}, 'host-autoconf-v2.71': {'architecture': {'x86_64'}, 'version': '2.71_1'}, 'host-automake-v1.16': {'architecture': {'x86_64'}, 'version': '1.16.5_2'}, 'cross-binutils': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.43.1_1'}, 'host-libtool': {'architecture': {'x86_64'}, 'version': '2.5.4_1'}}, prod_pkgs={'gdbm': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.24_2'}}, prod_tools={}, prod_files=[], tool_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/tool_repo', pkg_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/package_repo', mirror_root='https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/', distfile_path='xbbs/x86_64/') [2025-02-23 07:36:29.368440 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'init'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call: hint: hint: git config --global init.defaultBranch hint: hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command: hint: hint: git branch -m Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/.git/ [2025-02-23 07:36:29.392994 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', 'https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm.git'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) [2025-02-23 07:36:29.414253 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'fetch', 'origin'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) From https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm * [new branch] master -> origin/master [2025-02-23 07:36:35.749158 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'checkout', '--detach', 'b59a952a8f88ff4944d2a11bdff29e377e22a4b1'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) HEAD is now at b59a952 scripts: increase image testing I/O timeout [2025-02-23 07:36:35.793968 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbstrap', 'init', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker'}) Creating cargo-home/config.toml [2025-02-23 07:36:41.609181 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-install', '-Uy', '-R', 'https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/package_repo', '-r', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/system-root', '-SM', '--', 'libdrm-headers', 'mlibc-headers', 'linux-headers', 'frigg', 'mlibc'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}}) [*] Updating repository `https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/package_repo/x86_64-repodata' ... x86_64-repodata: [15KB 27%] 106MB/s ETA: 00m00s x86_64-repodata: 15KB [avg rate: 385MB/s] 5 packages will be downloaded: 5 packages will be installed: libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2 mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2 linux-headers-6.12.8_2 frigg-0.0pl352_7 mlibc-0.0pl4279_2 Size to download: 8006KB Size required on disk: 30MB Space available on disk: 757GB [*] Downloading packages libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 11MB/s ETA: 00m00s libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 11MB/s] libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.x86_64.xbps: [114KB 3%] 11MB/s ETA: 00m00s libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.x86_64.xbps: 114KB [avg rate: 320MB/s] libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2: verifying RSA signature... mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 12MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 12MB/s] mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps: [98KB 4%] 66MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps: 98KB [avg rate: 1621MB/s] mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2: verifying RSA signature... linux-headers-6.12.8_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s linux-headers-6.12.8_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] linux-headers-6.12.8_2.x86_64.xbps: [3121KB 0%] 60MB/s ETA: 00m00s linux-headers-6.12.8_2.x86_64.xbps: 3121KB [avg rate: 46GB/s] linux-headers-6.12.8_2: verifying RSA signature... frigg-0.0pl352_7.x86_64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 18MB/s ETA: 00m00s frigg-0.0pl352_7.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 18MB/s] frigg-0.0pl352_7.x86_64.xbps: [42KB 9%] 93MB/s ETA: 00m00s frigg-0.0pl352_7.x86_64.xbps: 42KB [avg rate: 970MB/s] frigg-0.0pl352_7: verifying RSA signature... mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 2283KB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 2283KB/s] mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps: [4629KB 0%] 20MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps: 4629KB [avg rate: 22GB/s] mlibc-0.0pl4279_2: verifying RSA signature... [*] Collecting package files libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2: collecting files... mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2: collecting files... linux-headers-6.12.8_2: collecting files... frigg-0.0pl352_7: collecting files... mlibc-0.0pl4279_2: collecting files... [*] Unpacking packages libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2: unpacking ... mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2: unpacking ... linux-headers-6.12.8_2: unpacking ... frigg-0.0pl352_7: unpacking ... mlibc-0.0pl4279_2: unpacking ... 5 downloaded, 5 installed, 0 updated, 5 configured, 0 removed. [2025-02-23 07:36:42.357372 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: creating repository with existing packages... [2025-02-23 07:36:42.358086 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.x86_64.xbps [2025-02-23 07:36:42.358543 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2' (x86_64). index: 1 packages registered. [2025-02-23 07:36:42.389986 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found linux-headers-6.12.8_2.x86_64.xbps [2025-02-23 07:36:42.397307 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'linux-headers-6.12.8_2.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `linux-headers-6.12.8_2' (x86_64). index: 2 packages registered. [2025-02-23 07:36:42.428933 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps [2025-02-23 07:36:42.434405 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `mlibc-0.0pl4279_2' (x86_64). index: 3 packages registered. [2025-02-23 07:36:42.459448 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found frigg-0.0pl352_7.x86_64.xbps [2025-02-23 07:36:42.460160 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'frigg-0.0pl352_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `frigg-0.0pl352_7' (x86_64). index: 4 packages registered. [2025-02-23 07:36:42.488406 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps [2025-02-23 07:36:42.489514 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2' (x86_64). index: 5 packages registered. [2025-02-23 07:36:56.890305 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbstrap-pipeline', 'run-job', '--keep-going', '--progress-file', 'fd:17', 'package:gdbm'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker', 'pass_fds': (17,)}) xbstrap: Running the following plan: fetch gdbm checkout gdbm patch gdbm regenerate gdbm install frigg (inside sysroot.67ltlydw) install libdrm-headers (inside sysroot.67ltlydw) install linux-headers (inside sysroot.67ltlydw) install mlibc-headers (inside sysroot.67ltlydw) install mlibc (inside sysroot.67ltlydw) configure gdbm (inside sysroot.67ltlydw) build gdbm (inside sysroot.67ltlydw) pack gdbm xbstrap: fetch gdbm [1/12] Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/ports/gdbm/.git/ From https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/gdbm * [new tag] v1.24 -> v1.24 xbstrap: checkout gdbm [2/12] [2025-02-23 07:36:57.647848 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'fetch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 1, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'gdbm'} HEAD is now at a768b09 Version 1.24 xbstrap: patch gdbm [3/12] [2025-02-23 07:36:57.670404 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'checkout', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 2, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'gdbm'} Applying: Add missing include xbstrap: regenerate gdbm [4/12] [2025-02-23 07:36:57.696205 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'patch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 3, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'gdbm'} xbstrap: Running ['./bootstrap'] (tools: ['host-libtool', 'host-autoconf-v2.71', 'host-automake-v1.16']) via cbuildrt PID init is 2867664 (outside the namespace) receiving incremental file list ./ da.po de.po eo.po es.po fi.po fr.po ja.po ka.po pl.po pt_BR.po ro.po ru.po sr.po sv.po uk.po vi.po sent 331 bytes received 99,955 bytes 66,857.33 bytes/sec total size is 527,103 speedup is 5.26 perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "en_US:", LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "C.UTF-8", LANG = "en_US.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "en_US:", LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "C.UTF-8", LANG = "en_US.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "en_US:", LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "C.UTF-8", LANG = "en_US.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). Copying file ABOUT-NLS Creating directory build-aux Copying file build-aux/config.rpath Copying file m4/gettext.m4 Copying file m4/host-cpu-c-abi.m4 Copying file m4/iconv.m4 Copying file m4/intlmacosx.m4 Copying file m4/lib-ld.m4 Copying file m4/lib-link.m4 Copying file m4/lib-prefix.m4 Copying file m4/nls.m4 Copying file m4/po.m4 Copying file m4/progtest.m4 Copying file po/Makefile.in.in Copying file po/Makevars.template Copying file po/Rules-quot Copying file po/boldquot.sed Copying file po/en@boldquot.header Copying file po/en@quot.header Copying file po/insert-header.sin Copying file po/quot.sed Copying file po/remove-potcdate.sin perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "en_US:", LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "C.UTF-8", LANG = "en_US.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). configure.ac:96: warning: macro 'AM_GNU_GETTEXT' not found in library configure.ac:97: warning: macro 'AM_GNU_GETTEXT_REQUIRE_VERSION' not found in library perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "en_US:", LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "C.UTF-8", LANG = "en_US.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "en_US:", LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "C.UTF-8", LANG = "en_US.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). libtoolize: putting auxiliary files in AC_CONFIG_AUX_DIR, 'build-aux'. libtoolize: linking file 'build-aux/ltmain.sh' libtoolize: putting macros in AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIRS, 'm4'. libtoolize: linking file 'm4/libtool.m4' libtoolize: linking file 'm4/ltoptions.m4' libtoolize: linking file 'm4/ltsugar.m4' libtoolize: linking file 'm4/ltversion.m4' libtoolize: linking file 'm4/lt~obsolete.m4' libtoolize: Consider adding '-I m4' to ACLOCAL_AMFLAGS in Makefile.am. perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "en_US:", LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "C.UTF-8", LANG = "en_US.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). configure.ac:96: warning: macro 'AM_GNU_GETTEXT' not found in library configure.ac:97: warning: macro 'AM_GNU_GETTEXT_REQUIRE_VERSION' not found in library perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "en_US:", LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "C.UTF-8", LANG = "en_US.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "en_US:", LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "C.UTF-8", LANG = "en_US.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "en_US:", LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "C.UTF-8", LANG = "en_US.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "en_US:", LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "C.UTF-8", LANG = "en_US.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "en_US:", LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "C.UTF-8", LANG = "en_US.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "en_US:", LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "C.UTF-8", LANG = "en_US.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). configure.ac:63: installing 'build-aux/compile' configure.ac:66: installing 'build-aux/config.guess' configure.ac:66: installing 'build-aux/config.sub' configure.ac:30: installing 'build-aux/install-sh' configure.ac:30: installing 'build-aux/missing' Makefile.am: installing './INSTALL' compat/Makefile.am: installing 'build-aux/depcomp' doc/Makefile.am:19: installing 'build-aux/mdate-sh' doc/Makefile.am:19: installing 'build-aux/texinfo.tex' xbstrap: install frigg [5/12] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.67ltlydw', 'frigg'] [2025-02-23 07:37:06.716661 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'regenerate', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 4, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'gdbm'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.67ltlydw', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'frigg'] xbstrap: install libdrm-headers [6/12] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.67ltlydw', 'libdrm-headers'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.67ltlydw', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libdrm-headers'] [2025-02-23 07:37:06.736585 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 5, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'frigg'} xbstrap: install linux-headers [7/12] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.67ltlydw', 'linux-headers'] [2025-02-23 07:37:06.752851 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 6, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libdrm-headers'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.67ltlydw', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'linux-headers'] xbstrap: install mlibc-headers [8/12] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.67ltlydw', 'mlibc-headers'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.67ltlydw', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'mlibc-headers'] [2025-02-23 07:37:06.942636 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 7, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'linux-headers'} xbstrap: install mlibc [9/12] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.67ltlydw', 'mlibc'] [2025-02-23 07:37:06.970024 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 8, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'mlibc-headers'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.67ltlydw', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'mlibc'] xbstrap: configure gdbm [10/12] [2025-02-23 07:37:07.034227 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 9, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'mlibc'} xbstrap: Running ['@THIS_SOURCE_DIR@/configure', '--host=@OPTION:arch-triple@', '--prefix=/usr', '--disable-nls', '--disable-static', '--enable-libgdbm-compat', '--without-readline'] (tools: ['system-gcc', 'host-autoconf-v2.71', 'host-automake-v1.16', 'cross-binutils']) via cbuildrt PID init is 2868821 (outside the namespace) checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for x86_64-managarm-strip... x86_64-managarm-strip checking for a race-free mkdir -p... /usr/bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... gawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes checking for x86_64-managarm-gcc... x86_64-managarm-gcc checking whether the C compiler works... yes checking for C compiler default output file name... a.out checking for suffix of executables... checking whether we are cross compiling... yes checking for suffix of object files... o checking whether the compiler supports GNU C... yes checking whether x86_64-managarm-gcc accepts -g... yes checking for x86_64-managarm-gcc option to enable C11 features... none needed checking whether x86_64-managarm-gcc understands -c and -o together... yes checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style) checking dependency style of x86_64-managarm-gcc... gcc3 checking how to run the C preprocessor... x86_64-managarm-gcc -E checking build system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu checking host system type... x86_64-pc-managarm-mlibc checking how to print strings... printf checking for a sed that does not truncate output... /usr/bin/sed checking for grep that handles long lines and -e... /usr/bin/grep checking for egrep... /usr/bin/grep -E checking for fgrep... /usr/bin/grep -F checking for ld used by x86_64-managarm-gcc... /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/tools/system-gcc/x86_64-managarm/bin/ld checking if the linker (/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/tools/system-gcc/x86_64-managarm/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes checking for BSD- or MS-compatible name lister (nm)... /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/tools/cross-binutils/bin/x86_64-managarm-nm -B checking the name lister (/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/tools/cross-binutils/bin/x86_64-managarm-nm -B) interface... BSD nm checking whether ln -s works... yes checking the maximum length of command line arguments... 1572864 checking how to convert x86_64-pc-linux-gnu file names to x86_64-pc-managarm-mlibc format... func_convert_file_noop checking how to convert x86_64-pc-linux-gnu file names to toolchain format... func_convert_file_noop checking for /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/tools/system-gcc/x86_64-managarm/bin/ld option to reload object files... -r checking for file... file checking for x86_64-managarm-objdump... x86_64-managarm-objdump checking how to recognize dependent libraries... pass_all checking for x86_64-managarm-dlltool... no checking for dlltool... no checking how to associate runtime and link libraries... printf %s\n checking for x86_64-managarm-ranlib... x86_64-managarm-ranlib checking for x86_64-managarm-ar... x86_64-managarm-ar checking for archiver @FILE support... @ checking for x86_64-managarm-strip... (cached) x86_64-managarm-strip checking command to parse /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/tools/cross-binutils/bin/x86_64-managarm-nm -B output from x86_64-managarm-gcc object... ok checking for sysroot... no checking for a working dd... /usr/bin/dd checking how to truncate binary pipes... /usr/bin/dd bs=4096 count=1 checking for x86_64-managarm-mt... no checking for mt... mt configure: WARNING: using cross tools not prefixed with host triplet checking if mt is a manifest tool... no checking for stdio.h... yes checking for stdlib.h... yes checking for string.h... yes checking for inttypes.h... yes checking for stdint.h... yes checking for strings.h... yes checking for sys/stat.h... yes checking for sys/types.h... yes checking for unistd.h... yes checking for sys/param.h... yes checking for dlfcn.h... yes checking for objdir... .libs checking if x86_64-managarm-gcc supports -fno-rtti -fno-exceptions... no checking for x86_64-managarm-gcc option to produce PIC... -fPIC -DPIC checking if x86_64-managarm-gcc PIC flag -fPIC -DPIC works... yes checking if x86_64-managarm-gcc static flag -static works... no checking if x86_64-managarm-gcc supports -c -o file.o... yes checking if x86_64-managarm-gcc supports -c -o file.o... (cached) yes checking whether the x86_64-managarm-gcc linker (/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/tools/system-gcc/x86_64-managarm/bin/ld) supports shared libraries... yes checking whether -lc should be explicitly linked in... no checking dynamic linker characteristics... mlibc ld.so checking how to hardcode library paths into programs... immediate checking whether stripping libraries is possible... yes checking if libtool supports shared libraries... yes checking whether to build shared libraries... yes checking whether to build static libraries... no checking for bison... /usr/bin/bison checking for flex... /usr/bin/flex checking for gzip... /usr/bin/gzip checking for base64... /usr/bin/base64 checking for special C compiler options needed for large files... no checking for _FILE_OFFSET_BITS value needed for large files... no checking for an ANSI C-conforming const... yes checking for unsigned long long int... yes checking for TLS qualifier... __thread checking whether NLS is requested... no checking for msgfmt... /usr/bin/msgfmt checking for gmsgfmt... /usr/bin/msgfmt checking for xgettext... /usr/bin/xgettext checking for msgmerge... /usr/bin/msgmerge checking for ld... /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/tools/system-gcc/x86_64-managarm/bin/ld checking if the linker (/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/tools/system-gcc/x86_64-managarm/bin/ld) is GNU ld... yes checking for shared library run path origin... done checking 32-bit host C ABI... no checking for ELF binary format... yes checking for the common suffixes of directories in the library search path... lib,lib,lib64 checking for CFPreferencesCopyAppValue... no checking for CFLocaleCopyPreferredLanguages... no checking whether to use NLS... no checking for sys/file.h... yes checking for string.h... (cached) yes checking for locale.h... yes checking for getopt.h... yes checking for ftruncate... yes checking for flock... yes checking for lockf... yes checking for fsync... yes checking for setlocale... yes checking for getopt_long... yes checking for getline... yes checking for getpagesize... yes checking for working mmap... no checking for msync... yes checking for off_t... yes checking size of off_t... 8 checking for struct stat.st_blksize... yes checking for struct stat.st_mtim... yes checking for struct stat.st_mtimespec... no checking for tputs in -lncurses... no checking for tputs in -lcurses... no checking for tputs in -ltermcap... no checking for linux/fs.h... yes checking for FICLONE ioctl support... yes checking that generated files are newer than configure... done configure: creating ./config.status config.status: creating tests/Makefile config.status: creating tests/atlocal config.status: creating po/Makefile.in config.status: creating tests/gdbmtool/Makefile config.status: creating Makefile config.status: creating src/Makefile config.status: creating src/gdbm.h config.status: creating tools/Makefile config.status: creating doc/Makefile config.status: creating compat/Makefile config.status: creating autoconf.h config.status: executing depfiles commands config.status: executing libtool commands config.status: executing po-directories commands config.status: creating po/POTFILES config.status: creating po/Makefile config.status: executing tests/atconfig commands config.status: executing status commands ******************************************************************* GDBM settings summary: Compatibility library ......................... yes Memory mapped I/O ............................. yes GNU Readline .................................. no Debugging support ............................. no Reflink crash tolerance ....................... yes ******************************************************************* xbstrap: build gdbm [11/12] [2025-02-23 07:37:14.830360 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'configure', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 10, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'gdbm'} xbstrap: Running ['make', '-j@PARALLELISM@'] (tools: ['system-gcc', 'host-autoconf-v2.71', 'host-automake-v1.16', 'cross-binutils']) via cbuildrt PID init is 2871188 (outside the namespace) make all-recursive make[1]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm' Making all in po make[2]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/po' make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/po' Making all in src make[2]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/src' make all-am make[3]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/src' CC gdbmclose.lo CC gdbmcount.lo CC gdbmdump.lo CC gdbmerrno.lo CC gdbmexists.lo CC gdbmexp.lo CC gdbmfdesc.lo CC gdbmdelete.lo CC gdbmfetch.lo CC gdbmload.lo CC gdbmopen.lo CC gdbmimp.lo CC gdbmreorg.lo CC gdbmseq.lo CC gdbmsetopt.lo CC gdbmstore.lo CC gdbmsync.lo CC avail.lo CC base64.lo CC falloc.lo CC bucket.lo CC findkey.lo CC fullio.lo CC hash.lo CC lock.lo CC mmap.lo CC recover.lo CC update.lo CC version.lo CCLD libgdbm.la make[3]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/src' make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/src' Making all in tools make[2]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tools' GEN gram.c GEN lex.c make all-am make[3]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tools' CC gdbmtool.o CC err.o CC mem.o CC parseopt.o CC progname.o CC datconv.o CC gram.o CC input-argv.o CC input-file.o CC input-null.o CC input-std.o CC lex.o CC gdbmshell.o CC var.o CC util.o CC wordwrap.o CC gdbm_load.o CC gdbm_dump.o AR libgdbmapp.a CCLD gdbmtool CCLD gdbm_dump CCLD gdbm_load make[3]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tools' make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tools' Making all in doc make[2]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/doc' Updating /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/ports/gdbm/doc/version.texi MAKEINFO /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/ports/gdbm/doc/gdbm.info perl: warning: Setting locale failed. perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings: LANGUAGE = "en_US:", LC_ALL = (unset), LC_CTYPE = "C.UTF-8", LANG = "en_US.UTF-8" are supported and installed on your system. perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C"). make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/doc' Making all in compat make[2]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/compat' CC dbminit.lo CC delete.lo CC fetch.lo CC store.lo CC seq.lo CC close.lo CC dbmopen.lo CC dbmdelete.lo CC dbmerr.lo CC dbmfetch.lo CC dbmstore.lo CC dbmseq.lo CC dbmclose.lo CC dbmdirfno.lo CC dbmpagfno.lo CC dbmrdonly.lo CCLD libgdbm_compat.la make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/compat' Making all in tests make[2]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tests' Making all in gdbmtool make[3]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tests/gdbmtool' make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'all'. make[3]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tests/gdbmtool' make[3]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tests' make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'all-am'. make[3]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tests' make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tests' make[2]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm' make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm' make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm' xbstrap: Running ['make', 'install'] (tools: ['system-gcc', 'host-autoconf-v2.71', 'host-automake-v1.16', 'cross-binutils']) via cbuildrt PID init is 2873351 (outside the namespace) Making install in po make[1]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/po' if test "gdbm" = "gettext-tools"; then \ /usr/bin/mkdir -p /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/share/gettext/po; \ for file in Makefile.in.in remove-potcdate.sin quot.sed boldquot.sed en@quot.header en@boldquot.header insert-header.sin Rules-quot Makevars.template; do \ /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/ports/gdbm/po/$file \ /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/share/gettext/po/$file; \ done; \ for file in Makevars; do \ rm -f /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/share/gettext/po/$file; \ done; \ else \ : ; \ fi make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/po' Making install in src make[1]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/src' make install-am make[2]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/src' make[3]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/src' /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/lib' /bin/bash ../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c libgdbm.la '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/lib' libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libgdbm.so.6.0.0 /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/lib/libgdbm.so.6.0.0 libtool: install: (cd /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/lib && { ln -s -f libgdbm.so.6.0.0 libgdbm.so.6 || { rm -f libgdbm.so.6 && ln -s libgdbm.so.6.0.0 libgdbm.so.6; }; }) libtool: install: (cd /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/lib && { ln -s -f libgdbm.so.6.0.0 libgdbm.so || { rm -f libgdbm.so && ln -s libgdbm.so.6.0.0 libgdbm.so; }; }) libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libgdbm.lai /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/lib/libgdbm.la libtool: warning: remember to run 'libtool --finish /usr/lib' /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/include' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 gdbm.h '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/include' make[3]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/src' make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/src' make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/src' Making install in tools make[1]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tools' make install-am make[2]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tools' make[3]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tools' /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/bin' /bin/bash ../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c gdbmtool gdbm_load gdbm_dump '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/bin' libtool: warning: '../src/libgdbm.la' has not been installed in '/usr/lib' libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/gdbmtool /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/bin/gdbmtool libtool: warning: '../src/libgdbm.la' has not been installed in '/usr/lib' libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/gdbm_load /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/bin/gdbm_load libtool: warning: '../src/libgdbm.la' has not been installed in '/usr/lib' libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/gdbm_dump /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/bin/gdbm_dump make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. make[3]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tools' make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tools' make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tools' Making install in doc make[1]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/doc' make[2]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/doc' make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/share/info' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/ports/gdbm/doc/gdbm.info '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/share/info' /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/share/man/man1' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/ports/gdbm/doc/gdbm_dump.1 /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/ports/gdbm/doc/gdbm_load.1 /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/ports/gdbm/doc/gdbmtool.1 '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/share/man/man1' /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/share/man/man3' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/ports/gdbm/doc/gdbm.3 '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/share/man/man3' make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/doc' make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/doc' Making install in compat make[1]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/compat' make[2]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/compat' /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/lib' /bin/bash ../libtool --mode=install /usr/bin/install -c libgdbm_compat.la '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/lib' libtool: warning: relinking 'libgdbm_compat.la' libtool: install: (cd /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/compat; /bin/bash "/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/libtool" --silent --tag CC --mode=relink x86_64-managarm-gcc -g -O2 -version-info 4:0:0 -o libgdbm_compat.la -rpath /usr/lib dbminit.lo delete.lo fetch.lo store.lo seq.lo close.lo dbmopen.lo dbmdelete.lo dbmerr.lo dbmfetch.lo dbmstore.lo dbmseq.lo dbmclose.lo dbmdirfno.lo dbmpagfno.lo dbmrdonly.lo ../src/libgdbm.la -inst-prefix-dir /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect) libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libgdbm_compat.so.4.0.0T /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/lib/libgdbm_compat.so.4.0.0 libtool: install: (cd /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/lib && { ln -s -f libgdbm_compat.so.4.0.0 libgdbm_compat.so.4 || { rm -f libgdbm_compat.so.4 && ln -s libgdbm_compat.so.4.0.0 libgdbm_compat.so.4; }; }) libtool: install: (cd /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/lib && { ln -s -f libgdbm_compat.so.4.0.0 libgdbm_compat.so || { rm -f libgdbm_compat.so && ln -s libgdbm_compat.so.4.0.0 libgdbm_compat.so; }; }) libtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/libgdbm_compat.lai /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/lib/libgdbm_compat.la libtool: warning: remember to run 'libtool --finish /usr/lib' /usr/bin/mkdir -p '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/include' /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/ports/gdbm/compat/dbm.h /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/ports/gdbm/compat/ndbm.h '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/packages/gdbm.collect/usr/include' make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/compat' make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/compat' Making install in tests make[1]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tests' Making install in gdbmtool make[2]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tests/gdbmtool' make[3]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tests/gdbmtool' make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. make[3]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tests/gdbmtool' make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tests/gdbmtool' make[2]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tests' make[3]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tests' make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. make[3]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. make[3]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tests' make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tests' make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm/tests' make[1]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm' make[2]: Entering directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm' make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-exec-am'. make[2]: Nothing to be done for 'install-data-am'. make[2]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm' make[1]: Leaving directory '/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/gdbm' xbstrap: Removed libtool file libgdbm.la xbstrap: Removed libtool file libgdbm_compat.la xbstrap: pack gdbm [12/12] [2025-02-23 07:37:20.543341 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'build', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 11, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'gdbm'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-create', '-A', 'x86_64', '-s', 'gdbm', '-n', 'gdbm-1.24_2', '-D', 'mlibc>=0', '--desc', 'Standard GNU database libraries', '--long-desc', 'This package contains the GNU Database Manager. It is a library of database functions that uses extensible hashing and works like the standard UNIX dbm. The library provides primitives for storing key/data pairs, searching and retrieving the data by its key and deleting a key along with its data.', '--license', 'GPL-3.0-only', '--homepage', 'https://www.gnu.org/software/gdbm/', '--maintainer', 'Dennis Bonke ', '--tags', 'sys-libs', '/tmp/tmpiviy7dzl'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo/gdbm-1.24_2.x86_64.xbps'] (x86_64) [2025-02-23 07:37:20.617020 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'pack', 'architecture': 'x86_64', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 12, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'gdbm'} [2025-02-23 07:37:20.630366 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: successfully uploaded package gdbm for JobMessage(project='managarm', job='package:gdbm', repository='https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm.git', revision='b59a952a8f88ff4944d2a11bdff29e377e22a4b1', output='tcp://', build_root='/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker', needed_pkgs={'libdrm-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.4.115_2'}, 'mlibc-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl4279_2'}, 'linux-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.12.8_2'}, 'frigg': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl352_7'}, 'mlibc': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl4279_2'}}, needed_tools={'system-gcc': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '14.2.0_1'}, 'host-autoconf-v2.71': {'architecture': {'x86_64'}, 'version': '2.71_1'}, 'host-automake-v1.16': {'architecture': {'x86_64'}, 'version': '1.16.5_2'}, 'cross-binutils': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.43.1_1'}, 'host-libtool': {'architecture': {'x86_64'}, 'version': '2.5.4_1'}}, prod_pkgs={'gdbm': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '1.24_2'}}, prod_tools={}, prod_files=[], tool_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/tool_repo', pkg_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/package_repo', mirror_root='https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/', distfile_path='xbbs/x86_64/') [2025-02-23 07:37:20.751030 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: job done. return code: 0