[2025-02-23 06:54:19.337534 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running job JobMessage(project='managarm', job='package:iw', repository='https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm.git', revision='b59a952a8f88ff4944d2a11bdff29e377e22a4b1', output='tcp://', build_root='/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker', needed_pkgs={'libnl': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '3.11.0_3'}, 'libdrm-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.4.115_2'}, 'mlibc-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl4279_2'}, 'linux-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.12.8_2'}, 'frigg': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl352_7'}, 'mlibc': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl4279_2'}}, needed_tools={'cross-binutils': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.43.1_1'}, 'system-gcc': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '14.2.0_1'}}, prod_pkgs={'iw': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.9_2'}}, prod_tools={}, prod_files=[], tool_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/tool_repo', pkg_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/package_repo', mirror_root='https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/', distfile_path='xbbs/x86_64/') [2025-02-23 06:54:19.338065 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'init'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call: hint: hint: git config --global init.defaultBranch hint: hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command: hint: hint: git branch -m Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/.git/ [2025-02-23 06:54:19.351871 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', 'https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm.git'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) [2025-02-23 06:54:19.362265 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'fetch', 'origin'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) From https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm * [new branch] master -> origin/master [2025-02-23 06:54:27.515209 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'checkout', '--detach', 'b59a952a8f88ff4944d2a11bdff29e377e22a4b1'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) HEAD is now at b59a952 scripts: increase image testing I/O timeout [2025-02-23 06:54:27.554093 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbstrap', 'init', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker'}) Creating cargo-home/config.toml [2025-02-23 06:54:32.953116 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-install', '-Uy', '-R', 'https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/package_repo', '-r', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/system-root', '-SM', '--', 'libnl', 'libdrm-headers', 'mlibc-headers', 'linux-headers', 'frigg', 'mlibc'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}}) [*] Updating repository `https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/package_repo/x86_64-repodata' ... x86_64-repodata: [12KB 32%] 48MB/s ETA: 00m00s x86_64-repodata: 12KB [avg rate: 146MB/s] 6 packages will be downloaded: 6 packages will be installed: libnl-3.11.0_3 libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2 mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2 linux-headers-6.12.8_2 frigg-0.0pl352_7 mlibc-0.0pl4279_2 Size to download: 9489KB Size required on disk: 35MB Space available on disk: 757GB [*] Downloading packages libnl-3.11.0_3.x86_64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s libnl-3.11.0_3.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] libnl-3.11.0_3.x86_64.xbps: [1482KB 0%] 70MB/s ETA: 00m00s libnl-3.11.0_3.x86_64.xbps: 1482KB [avg rate: 25GB/s] libnl-3.11.0_3: verifying RSA signature... libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.x86_64.xbps: [114KB 3%] 100MB/s ETA: 00m00s libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.x86_64.xbps: 114KB [avg rate: 2861MB/s] libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2: verifying RSA signature... mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps: [98KB 4%] 100MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps: 98KB [avg rate: 2453MB/s] mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2: verifying RSA signature... linux-headers-6.12.8_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s linux-headers-6.12.8_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] linux-headers-6.12.8_2.x86_64.xbps: [3121KB 0%] 100MB/s ETA: 00m00s linux-headers-6.12.8_2.x86_64.xbps: 3121KB [avg rate: 76GB/s] linux-headers-6.12.8_2: verifying RSA signature... frigg-0.0pl352_7.x86_64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s frigg-0.0pl352_7.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] frigg-0.0pl352_7.x86_64.xbps: [42KB 9%] 103MB/s ETA: 00m00s frigg-0.0pl352_7.x86_64.xbps: 42KB [avg rate: 1072MB/s] frigg-0.0pl352_7: verifying RSA signature... mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps: [4629KB 0%] 93MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps: 4629KB [avg rate: 105GB/s] mlibc-0.0pl4279_2: verifying RSA signature... [*] Collecting package files libnl-3.11.0_3: collecting files... libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2: collecting files... mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2: collecting files... linux-headers-6.12.8_2: collecting files... frigg-0.0pl352_7: collecting files... mlibc-0.0pl4279_2: collecting files... [*] Unpacking packages libnl-3.11.0_3: unpacking ... libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2: unpacking ... mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2: unpacking ... linux-headers-6.12.8_2: unpacking ... frigg-0.0pl352_7: unpacking ... mlibc-0.0pl4279_2: unpacking ... 6 downloaded, 6 installed, 0 updated, 6 configured, 0 removed. [2025-02-23 06:54:34.304845 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: creating repository with existing packages... [2025-02-23 06:54:34.305496 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.x86_64.xbps [2025-02-23 06:54:34.305966 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2' (x86_64). index: 1 packages registered. [2025-02-23 06:54:34.331092 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found linux-headers-6.12.8_2.x86_64.xbps [2025-02-23 06:54:34.337159 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'linux-headers-6.12.8_2.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `linux-headers-6.12.8_2' (x86_64). index: 2 packages registered. [2025-02-23 06:54:34.369344 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps [2025-02-23 06:54:34.376158 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `mlibc-0.0pl4279_2' (x86_64). index: 3 packages registered. [2025-02-23 06:54:34.406248 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libnl-3.11.0_3.x86_64.xbps [2025-02-23 06:54:34.408219 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libnl-3.11.0_3.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libnl-3.11.0_3' (x86_64). index: 4 packages registered. [2025-02-23 06:54:34.430098 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found frigg-0.0pl352_7.x86_64.xbps [2025-02-23 06:54:34.431048 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'frigg-0.0pl352_7.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `frigg-0.0pl352_7' (x86_64). index: 5 packages registered. [2025-02-23 06:54:34.456306 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps [2025-02-23 06:54:34.457575 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.x86_64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'x86_64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2' (x86_64). index: 6 packages registered. [2025-02-23 06:54:46.512675 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbstrap-pipeline', 'run-job', '--keep-going', '--progress-file', 'fd:17', 'package:iw'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker', 'pass_fds': (17,)}) xbstrap: Running the following plan: fetch iw checkout iw patch iw regenerate iw install frigg (inside sysroot.1qp3nes1) install libdrm-headers (inside sysroot.1qp3nes1) install linux-headers (inside sysroot.1qp3nes1) install mlibc-headers (inside sysroot.1qp3nes1) install mlibc (inside sysroot.1qp3nes1) install libnl (inside sysroot.1qp3nes1) configure iw (inside sysroot.1qp3nes1) build iw (inside sysroot.1qp3nes1) pack iw xbstrap: fetch iw [1/13] Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/ports/iw/.git/ From https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/iw * [new tag] v6.9 -> v6.9 xbstrap: checkout iw [2/13] [2025-02-23 06:54:47.118770 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'fetch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 13, 'n_this': 1, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'iw'} HEAD is now at 1608dfa bump version to 6.9 xbstrap: patch iw [3/13] [2025-02-23 06:54:47.131144 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'checkout', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 13, 'n_this': 2, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'iw'} Applying: Add Managarm support xbstrap: regenerate iw [4/13] xbstrap: install frigg [5/13] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.1qp3nes1', 'frigg'] [2025-02-23 06:54:47.150026 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'patch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 13, 'n_this': 3, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'iw'} [2025-02-23 06:54:47.150678 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'regenerate', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 13, 'n_this': 4, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'iw'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.1qp3nes1', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'frigg'] xbstrap: install libdrm-headers [6/13] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.1qp3nes1', 'libdrm-headers'] [2025-02-23 06:54:47.169817 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 13, 'n_this': 5, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'frigg'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.1qp3nes1', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libdrm-headers'] xbstrap: install linux-headers [7/13] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.1qp3nes1', 'linux-headers'] [2025-02-23 06:54:47.182011 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 13, 'n_this': 6, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libdrm-headers'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.1qp3nes1', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'linux-headers'] xbstrap: install mlibc-headers [8/13] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.1qp3nes1', 'mlibc-headers'] [2025-02-23 06:54:47.351037 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 13, 'n_this': 7, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'linux-headers'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.1qp3nes1', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'mlibc-headers'] xbstrap: install mlibc [9/13] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.1qp3nes1', 'mlibc'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.1qp3nes1', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'mlibc'] [2025-02-23 06:54:47.380246 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 13, 'n_this': 8, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'mlibc-headers'} xbstrap: install libnl [10/13] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.1qp3nes1', 'libnl'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.1qp3nes1', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libnl'] [2025-02-23 06:54:47.448021 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 13, 'n_this': 9, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'mlibc'} xbstrap: configure iw [11/13] [2025-02-23 06:54:47.498563 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 13, 'n_this': 10, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libnl'} xbstrap: Running ['cp', '-r', '@THIS_SOURCE_DIR@/.', '@THIS_BUILD_DIR@'] (tools: ['system-gcc', 'cross-binutils']) via cbuildrt PID init is 2531881 (outside the namespace) xbstrap: build iw [12/13] [2025-02-23 06:54:47.749075 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'configure', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 13, 'n_this': 11, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'iw'} xbstrap: Running ['make', '-j@PARALLELISM@'] (tools: ['system-gcc', 'cross-binutils']) via cbuildrt PID init is 2531886 (outside the namespace) GEN nl80211-commands.inc GEN version.c CC ap.o CC bitrate.o CC bloom.o CC coalesce.o CC connect.o CC cqm.o CC event.o CC ftm.o CC genl.o CC hwsim.o CC ibss.o CC info.o CC interface.o CC iw.o CC keys.o CC link.o CC measurements.o CC mesh.o CC mgmt.o CC mpath.o CC mpp.o CC nan.o CC ocb.o CC offch.o CC p2p.o CC phy.o CC ps.o CC reason.o CC reg.o CC roc.o CC sar.o CC scan.o CC sections.o CC sha256.o CC station.o CC status.o CC survey.o CC util.o CC vendor.o CC wowlan.o CC version.o CC iw xbstrap: Running ['make', 'install'] (tools: ['system-gcc', 'cross-binutils']) via cbuildrt PID init is 2532123 (outside the namespace) GZIP iw.8 INST iw INST iw.8 xbstrap: pack iw [13/13] [2025-02-23 06:54:50.130999 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'build', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 13, 'n_this': 12, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'iw'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-create', '-A', 'x86_64', '-s', 'iw', '-n', 'iw-6.9_2', '-D', 'mlibc>=0 libnl>=0', '--desc', 'nl80211 configuration utility for wireless devices using the mac80211 stack', '--long-desc', "iw is a new nl80211 based CLI configuration utility for wireless devices. It supports all new drivers that have been added to the kernel recently. The old tool iwconfig, which uses Wireless Extensions interface, is deprecated and it's strongly recommended to switch to iw and nl80211.", '--license', 'ISC', '--homepage', 'https://wireless.wiki.kernel.org/en/users/Documentation/iw', '--maintainer', 'Dennis Bonke ', '--tags', 'net-wireless', '/tmp/tmp0e2s_uc0'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo/iw-6.9_2.x86_64.xbps'] (x86_64) [2025-02-23 06:54:50.191139 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'pack', 'architecture': 'x86_64', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 13, 'n_this': 13, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'iw'} [2025-02-23 06:54:50.196985 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: successfully uploaded package iw for JobMessage(project='managarm', job='package:iw', repository='https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm.git', revision='b59a952a8f88ff4944d2a11bdff29e377e22a4b1', output='tcp://', build_root='/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker', needed_pkgs={'libnl': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '3.11.0_3'}, 'libdrm-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.4.115_2'}, 'mlibc-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl4279_2'}, 'linux-headers': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.12.8_2'}, 'frigg': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl352_7'}, 'mlibc': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '0.0pl4279_2'}}, needed_tools={'cross-binutils': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '2.43.1_1'}, 'system-gcc': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '14.2.0_1'}}, prod_pkgs={'iw': {'architecture': 'x86_64', 'version': '6.9_2'}}, prod_tools={}, prod_files=[], tool_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/tool_repo', pkg_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm/package_repo', mirror_root='https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/', distfile_path='xbbs/x86_64/') [2025-02-23 06:54:50.324742 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: job done. return code: 0