[2025-02-19 20:56:05.213069 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running job JobMessage(project='managarm_riscv', job='package:managarm-kernel-uefi', repository='https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm.git', revision='95390ff72cf6f8bfab1b1db0c38a7e342f7a460e', output='tcp://', build_root='/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker', needed_pkgs={'freestnd-c-hdrs': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '0.0pl30_2'}, 'frigg': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '0.0pl352_7'}, 'freestnd-cxx-hdrs': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '0.0pl113_2'}, 'linux-headers': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '6.12.8_2'}, 'libdrm-headers': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '2.4.115_2'}, 'mlibc-headers': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '0.0pl4263_2'}}, needed_tools={'ovmf': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '2024.08_2'}, 'host-llvm-toolchain': {'architecture': {'riscv64'}, 'version': '19.1.3_4'}, 'host-pkg-config': {'architecture': {'riscv64'}, 'version': '0.29.2_2'}, 'host-python': {'architecture': {'riscv64'}, 'version': '3.10.12_1'}, 'host-managarm-tools': {'architecture': {'riscv64'}, 'version': '0.0pl4947_3'}, 'host-bragi': {'architecture': {'riscv64'}, 'version': '0.0pl97_1'}}, prod_pkgs={'managarm-kernel-uefi': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '0.0pl4947_1'}}, prod_tools={}, prod_files=[], tool_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm_riscv/tool_repo', pkg_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm_riscv/package_repo', mirror_root='https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/', distfile_path='xbbs/riscv64/') [2025-02-19 20:56:05.213591 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'init'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call: hint: hint: git config --global init.defaultBranch hint: hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command: hint: hint: git branch -m Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/.git/ [2025-02-19 20:56:05.224830 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', 'https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm.git'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) [2025-02-19 20:56:05.236095 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'fetch', 'origin'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) From https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm * [new branch] master -> origin/master [2025-02-19 20:56:06.310023 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'checkout', '--detach', '95390ff72cf6f8bfab1b1db0c38a7e342f7a460e'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) HEAD is now at 95390ff Merge pull request #452 from no92/libc-compat [2025-02-19 20:56:06.345210 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbstrap', 'init', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker'}) Creating cargo-home/config.toml [2025-02-19 20:56:11.549404 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-install', '-Uy', '-R', 'https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm_riscv/package_repo', '-r', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/system-root', '-SM', '--', 'freestnd-c-hdrs', 'frigg', 'freestnd-cxx-hdrs', 'linux-headers', 'libdrm-headers', 'mlibc-headers'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'riscv64'}}) [*] Updating repository `https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm_riscv/package_repo/riscv64-repodata' ... riscv64-repodata: [20KB 20%] 109MB/s ETA: 00m00s riscv64-repodata: 20KB [avg rate: 538MB/s] 6 packages will be downloaded: 6 packages will be installed: freestnd-c-hdrs-0.0pl30_2 frigg-0.0pl352_7 freestnd-cxx-hdrs-0.0pl113_2 linux-headers-6.12.8_2 libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2 mlibc-headers-0.0pl4263_2 Size to download: 3977KB Size required on disk: 37MB Space available on disk: 757GB [*] Downloading packages freestnd-c-hdrs-0.0pl30_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 15MB/s ETA: 00m00s freestnd-c-hdrs-0.0pl30_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 15MB/s] freestnd-c-hdrs-0.0pl30_2.riscv64.xbps: [246KB 1%] 95MB/s ETA: 00m00s freestnd-c-hdrs-0.0pl30_2.riscv64.xbps: 246KB [avg rate: 5858MB/s] freestnd-c-hdrs-0.0pl30_2: verifying RSA signature... frigg-0.0pl352_7.riscv64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s frigg-0.0pl352_7.riscv64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] frigg-0.0pl352_7.riscv64.xbps: [42KB 9%] 74MB/s ETA: 00m00s frigg-0.0pl352_7.riscv64.xbps: 42KB [avg rate: 768MB/s] frigg-0.0pl352_7: verifying RSA signature... freestnd-cxx-hdrs-0.0pl113_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s freestnd-cxx-hdrs-0.0pl113_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] freestnd-cxx-hdrs-0.0pl113_2.riscv64.xbps: [420KB 0%] 103MB/s ETA: 00m00s freestnd-cxx-hdrs-0.0pl113_2.riscv64.xbps: 420KB [avg rate: 11GB/s] freestnd-cxx-hdrs-0.0pl113_2: verifying RSA signature... linux-headers-6.12.8_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s linux-headers-6.12.8_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] linux-headers-6.12.8_2.riscv64.xbps: [3054KB 0%] 112MB/s ETA: 00m00s linux-headers-6.12.8_2.riscv64.xbps: 3054KB [avg rate: 83GB/s] linux-headers-6.12.8_2: verifying RSA signature... libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 19MB/s ETA: 00m00s libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 19MB/s] libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.riscv64.xbps: [114KB 3%] 93MB/s ETA: 00m00s libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.riscv64.xbps: 114KB [avg rate: 2657MB/s] libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2: verifying RSA signature... mlibc-headers-0.0pl4263_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 14MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-headers-0.0pl4263_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 14MB/s] mlibc-headers-0.0pl4263_2.riscv64.xbps: [98KB 4%] 109MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-headers-0.0pl4263_2.riscv64.xbps: 98KB [avg rate: 2645MB/s] mlibc-headers-0.0pl4263_2: verifying RSA signature... [*] Collecting package files freestnd-c-hdrs-0.0pl30_2: collecting files... frigg-0.0pl352_7: collecting files... freestnd-cxx-hdrs-0.0pl113_2: collecting files... linux-headers-6.12.8_2: collecting files... libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2: collecting files... mlibc-headers-0.0pl4263_2: collecting files... [*] Unpacking packages freestnd-c-hdrs-0.0pl30_2: unpacking ... frigg-0.0pl352_7: unpacking ... freestnd-cxx-hdrs-0.0pl113_2: unpacking ... linux-headers-6.12.8_2: unpacking ... libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2: unpacking ... mlibc-headers-0.0pl4263_2: unpacking ... 6 downloaded, 6 installed, 0 updated, 6 configured, 0 removed. [2025-02-19 20:56:12.692933 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: creating repository with existing packages... [2025-02-19 20:56:12.693842 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found frigg-0.0pl352_7.riscv64.xbps [2025-02-19 20:56:12.694280 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'frigg-0.0pl352_7.riscv64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'riscv64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `frigg-0.0pl352_7' (riscv64). index: 1 packages registered. [2025-02-19 20:56:12.748160 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found linux-headers-6.12.8_2.riscv64.xbps [2025-02-19 20:56:12.752062 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'linux-headers-6.12.8_2.riscv64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'riscv64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `linux-headers-6.12.8_2' (riscv64). index: 2 packages registered. [2025-02-19 20:56:12.773895 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found mlibc-headers-0.0pl4263_2.riscv64.xbps [2025-02-19 20:56:12.774572 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'mlibc-headers-0.0pl4263_2.riscv64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'riscv64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `mlibc-headers-0.0pl4263_2' (riscv64). index: 3 packages registered. [2025-02-19 20:56:12.791845 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found freestnd-c-hdrs-0.0pl30_2.riscv64.xbps [2025-02-19 20:56:12.792706 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'freestnd-c-hdrs-0.0pl30_2.riscv64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'riscv64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `freestnd-c-hdrs-0.0pl30_2' (riscv64). index: 4 packages registered. [2025-02-19 20:56:12.812530 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.riscv64.xbps [2025-02-19 20:56:12.813189 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.riscv64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'riscv64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2' (riscv64). index: 5 packages registered. [2025-02-19 20:56:12.831806 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found freestnd-cxx-hdrs-0.0pl113_2.riscv64.xbps [2025-02-19 20:56:12.832637 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'freestnd-cxx-hdrs-0.0pl113_2.riscv64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'riscv64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `freestnd-cxx-hdrs-0.0pl113_2' (riscv64). index: 6 packages registered. [2025-02-19 20:56:36.547143 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbstrap-pipeline', 'run-job', '--keep-going', '--progress-file', 'fd:17', 'package:managarm-kernel-uefi'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker', 'pass_fds': (17,)}) xbstrap: Running the following plan: fetch bragi checkout bragi patch bragi fetch cli11 checkout cli11 patch cli11 fetch cralgo checkout cralgo patch cralgo fetch freebsd-e1000 checkout freebsd-e1000 patch freebsd-e1000 fetch libarch checkout libarch patch libarch fetch libasync checkout libasync patch libasync fetch libsmarter checkout libsmarter patch libsmarter fetch lil checkout lil patch lil fetch managarm checkout managarm patch managarm fetch uacpi checkout uacpi patch uacpi regenerate managarm install freestnd-c-hdrs (inside sysroot.tbvrzrle) install freestnd-cxx-hdrs (inside sysroot.tbvrzrle) install frigg (inside sysroot.tbvrzrle) install libdrm-headers (inside sysroot.tbvrzrle) install linux-headers (inside sysroot.tbvrzrle) install mlibc-headers (inside sysroot.tbvrzrle) configure managarm-kernel-uefi (inside sysroot.tbvrzrle) build managarm-kernel-uefi (inside sysroot.tbvrzrle) pack managarm-kernel-uefi xbstrap: fetch bragi [1/40] Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/ports/bragi/.git/ From https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/bragi * [new branch] master -> origin/master xbstrap: checkout bragi [2/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:37.638780 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'fetch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 1, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'bragi'} Reset branch 'master' branch 'master' set up to track 'origin/master'. xbstrap: patch bragi [3/40] xbstrap: fetch cli11 [4/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:37.651247 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'checkout', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 2, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'bragi'} [2025-02-19 20:56:37.652190 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'patch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 3, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'bragi'} Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/ports/cli11/.git/ From https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/cli11 * [new tag] v2.4.1 -> v2.4.1 xbstrap: checkout cli11 [5/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:38.059892 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'fetch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 4, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'cli11'} HEAD is now at f4d0731 chore: prepare for 2.4.1 (#1001) xbstrap: patch cli11 [6/40] xbstrap: fetch cralgo [7/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:38.081067 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'checkout', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 5, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'cli11'} [2025-02-19 20:56:38.081709 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'patch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 6, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'cli11'} Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/ports/cralgo/.git/ From https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/cralgo * [new branch] master -> origin/master xbstrap: checkout cralgo [8/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:38.328397 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'fetch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 7, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'cralgo'} Reset branch 'master' branch 'master' set up to track 'origin/master'. xbstrap: patch cralgo [9/40] xbstrap: fetch freebsd-e1000 [10/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:38.337732 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'checkout', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 8, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'cralgo'} [2025-02-19 20:56:38.338376 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'patch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 9, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'cralgo'} Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/ports/freebsd-e1000/.git/ From https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/freebsd-e1000 * [new branch] import -> origin/import xbstrap: checkout freebsd-e1000 [11/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:38.739947 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'fetch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 10, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'freebsd-e1000'} Switched to a new branch 'import' branch 'import' set up to track 'origin/import'. xbstrap: patch freebsd-e1000 [12/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:38.757165 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'checkout', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 11, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'freebsd-e1000'} Applying: meta: add meson.build xbstrap: fetch libarch [13/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:38.776921 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'patch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 12, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'freebsd-e1000'} Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/ports/libarch/.git/ From https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/libarch * [new branch] master -> origin/master xbstrap: checkout libarch [14/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:39.079476 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'fetch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 13, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libarch'} Reset branch 'master' branch 'master' set up to track 'origin/master'. xbstrap: patch libarch [15/40] xbstrap: fetch libasync [16/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:39.096058 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'checkout', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 14, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libarch'} [2025-02-19 20:56:39.096916 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'patch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 15, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libarch'} Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/ports/libasync/.git/ From https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/libasync * [new branch] master -> origin/master xbstrap: checkout libasync [17/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:39.434594 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'fetch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 16, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libasync'} Reset branch 'master' branch 'master' set up to track 'origin/master'. xbstrap: patch libasync [18/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:39.447786 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'checkout', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 17, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libasync'} xbstrap: fetch libsmarter [19/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:39.448404 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'patch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 18, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libasync'} Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/ports/libsmarter/.git/ From https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/libsmarter * [new branch] master -> origin/master xbstrap: checkout libsmarter [20/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:39.699467 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'fetch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 19, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libsmarter'} Reset branch 'master' branch 'master' set up to track 'origin/master'. xbstrap: patch libsmarter [21/40] xbstrap: fetch lil [22/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:39.710577 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'checkout', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 20, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libsmarter'} [2025-02-19 20:56:39.711217 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'patch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 21, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libsmarter'} Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/ports/lil/.git/ From https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/lil * [new branch] master -> origin/master xbstrap: checkout lil [23/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:39.890179 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'fetch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 22, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'lil'} Reset branch 'master' branch 'master' set up to track 'origin/master'. xbstrap: patch lil [24/40] xbstrap: fetch managarm [25/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:39.906052 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'checkout', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 23, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'lil'} [2025-02-19 20:56:39.907030 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'patch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 24, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'lil'} Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/managarm/.git/ From https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/managarm * [new branch] master -> origin/master xbstrap: checkout managarm [26/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:42.268501 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'fetch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 25, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'managarm'} Reset branch 'master' branch 'master' set up to track 'origin/master'. xbstrap: patch managarm [27/40] xbstrap: fetch uacpi [28/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:42.341031 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'checkout', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 26, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'managarm'} [2025-02-19 20:56:42.341839 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'patch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 27, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'managarm'} Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/ports/uacpi/.git/ From https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/uacpi * [new branch] master -> origin/master * [new tag] 1.0.1 -> 1.0.1 * [new tag] 1.0.0 -> 1.0.0 xbstrap: checkout uacpi [29/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:43.643723 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'fetch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 28, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'uacpi'} Reset branch 'master' branch 'master' set up to track 'origin/master'. xbstrap: patch uacpi [30/40] xbstrap: regenerate managarm [31/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:43.663325 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'checkout', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 29, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'uacpi'} [2025-02-19 20:56:43.664209 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'patch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 30, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'uacpi'} xbstrap: Running ['mkdir', '-p', '@THIS_SOURCE_DIR@/subprojects'] (tools: []) via cbuildrt PID init is 385338 (outside the namespace) xbstrap: Running ['ln', '-sf', '@SOURCE_ROOT@/ports/cralgo', '@THIS_SOURCE_DIR@/subprojects/'] (tools: []) via cbuildrt PID init is 385343 (outside the namespace) xbstrap: Running ['ln', '-sf', '@SOURCE_ROOT@/ports/uacpi', '@THIS_SOURCE_DIR@/subprojects/'] (tools: []) via cbuildrt PID init is 385348 (outside the namespace) xbstrap: Running ['ln', '-sf', '@SOURCE_ROOT@/ports/libarch', '@THIS_SOURCE_DIR@/subprojects/'] (tools: []) via cbuildrt PID init is 385353 (outside the namespace) xbstrap: Running ['ln', '-sf', '@SOURCE_ROOT@/ports/libasync', '@THIS_SOURCE_DIR@/subprojects/'] (tools: []) via cbuildrt PID init is 385358 (outside the namespace) xbstrap: Running ['ln', '-sf', '@SOURCE_ROOT@/ports/libsmarter', '@THIS_SOURCE_DIR@/subprojects/'] (tools: []) via cbuildrt PID init is 385363 (outside the namespace) xbstrap: Running ['ln', '-sf', '@SOURCE_ROOT@/ports/lil', '@THIS_SOURCE_DIR@/subprojects/'] (tools: []) via cbuildrt PID init is 385368 (outside the namespace) xbstrap: Running ['ln', '-sf', '@SOURCE_ROOT@/ports/bragi', '@THIS_SOURCE_DIR@/subprojects/'] (tools: []) via cbuildrt PID init is 385373 (outside the namespace) xbstrap: Running ['mkdir', '-p', '@SOURCE_ROOT@/ports/libarch/subprojects'] (tools: []) via cbuildrt PID init is 385378 (outside the namespace) xbstrap: Running ['ln', '-sf', '@SOURCE_ROOT@/managarm', '@SOURCE_ROOT@/ports/libarch/subprojects/'] (tools: []) via cbuildrt PID init is 385383 (outside the namespace) xbstrap: Running ['ln', '-sf', '@SOURCE_ROOT@/ports/cli11', '@THIS_SOURCE_DIR@/subprojects/'] (tools: []) via cbuildrt PID init is 385388 (outside the namespace) xbstrap: Running ['ln', '-sf', '@SOURCE_ROOT@/ports/freebsd-e1000', '@THIS_SOURCE_DIR@/subprojects/'] (tools: []) via cbuildrt PID init is 385393 (outside the namespace) xbstrap: install freestnd-c-hdrs [32/40] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.tbvrzrle', 'freestnd-c-hdrs'] [2025-02-19 20:56:46.283446 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'regenerate', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 31, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'managarm'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.tbvrzrle', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'freestnd-c-hdrs'] xbstrap: install freestnd-cxx-hdrs [33/40] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.tbvrzrle', 'freestnd-cxx-hdrs'] [2025-02-19 20:56:46.338998 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 32, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'freestnd-c-hdrs'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.tbvrzrle', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'freestnd-cxx-hdrs'] xbstrap: install frigg [34/40] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.tbvrzrle', 'frigg'] [2025-02-19 20:56:46.432079 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 33, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'freestnd-cxx-hdrs'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.tbvrzrle', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'frigg'] xbstrap: install libdrm-headers [35/40] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.tbvrzrle', 'libdrm-headers'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.tbvrzrle', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libdrm-headers'] [2025-02-19 20:56:46.445262 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 34, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'frigg'} xbstrap: install linux-headers [36/40] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.tbvrzrle', 'linux-headers'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.tbvrzrle', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'linux-headers'] [2025-02-19 20:56:46.456742 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 35, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libdrm-headers'} xbstrap: install mlibc-headers [37/40] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.tbvrzrle', 'mlibc-headers'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.tbvrzrle', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'mlibc-headers'][2025-02-19 20:56:46.613694 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 36, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'linux-headers'} xbstrap: configure managarm-kernel-uefi [38/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:46.636306 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 37, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'mlibc-headers'} xbstrap: Running ['meson', 'setup', '--cross-file=@SOURCE_ROOT@/scripts/meson-kernel-common.cross-file', '--cross-file=@SOURCE_ROOT@/scripts/meson-kernel-uefi-@OPTION:arch-triple@.cross-file', '--prefix=/usr/managarm', '--libdir=lib', '--buildtype=debugoptimized', '--wrap-mode=nofallback', '-Dbuild_kernel=true', '-Dbuild_uefi=true', '@THIS_SOURCE_DIR@'] (tools: ['host-managarm-tools', 'ovmf', 'host-llvm-toolchain', 'host-pkg-config', 'host-bragi', 'host-python']) via cbuildrt PID init is 385430 (outside the namespace) DEPRECATION: "pkgconfig" entry is deprecated and should be replaced by "pkg-config" The Meson build system Version: 1.7.0 Source dir: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/managarm Build dir: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/managarm-kernel-uefi Build type: cross build Project name: managarm Project version: undefined Build machine cpu family: x86_64 Build machine cpu: x86_64 Host machine cpu family: riscv64 Host machine cpu: riscv64 Target machine cpu family: riscv64 Target machine cpu: riscv64 C compiler for the host machine: clang (clang 19.1.3 "clang version 19.1.3 (https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/llvm c325b72fb73ff69f4175a3698db3d828286f54c3)") C linker for the host machine: clang ld.lld 19.1.3 C++ compiler for the host machine: clang++ (clang 19.1.3 "clang version 19.1.3 (https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/llvm c325b72fb73ff69f4175a3698db3d828286f54c3)") C++ linker for the host machine: clang++ ld.lld 19.1.3 Program bragi found: YES (/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/tools/host-bragi/bin/bragi) Found pkg-config: YES (/tmp/xbstrap/virtual/bin/riscv64-managarm-pkg-config) 0.29.2 Run-time dependency frigg found: YES undefined Run-time dependency freestnd-c-hdrs-riscv64 found: YES undefined Run-time dependency freestnd-cxx-hdrs-riscv64 found: YES undefined Executing subproject bragi bragi| Project name: bragi bragi| Project version: undefined bragi| Build targets in project: 0 bragi| Subproject bragi finished. Executing subproject libarch libarch| Project name: libarch libarch| Project version: undefined libarch| Build targets in project: 0 libarch| Subproject libarch finished. Executing subproject cralgo cralgo| Project name: cralgo cralgo| Project version: undefined cralgo| C++ compiler for the host machine: clang++ (clang 19.1.3 "clang version 19.1.3 (https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/llvm c325b72fb73ff69f4175a3698db3d828286f54c3)") cralgo| C++ linker for the host machine: clang++ ld.lld 19.1.3 cralgo| C++ compiler for the build machine: c++ (gcc 12.2.0 "c++ (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0") cralgo| C++ linker for the build machine: c++ ld.bfd 2.40 cralgo| Build targets in project: 0 cralgo| Subproject cralgo finished. Executing subproject uacpi uacpi| Project name: uacpi uacpi| Project version: undefined uacpi| C compiler for the host machine: clang (clang 19.1.3 "clang version 19.1.3 (https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/llvm c325b72fb73ff69f4175a3698db3d828286f54c3)") uacpi| C linker for the host machine: clang ld.lld 19.1.3 uacpi| C compiler for the build machine: cc (gcc 12.2.0 "cc (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0") uacpi| C linker for the build machine: cc ld.bfd 2.40 uacpi| Build targets in project: 0 uacpi| Subproject uacpi finished. Executing subproject libasync libasync| Project name: libasync libasync| Project version: undefined libasync| C++ compiler for the host machine: clang++ (clang 19.1.3 "clang version 19.1.3 (https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/llvm c325b72fb73ff69f4175a3698db3d828286f54c3)") libasync| C++ linker for the host machine: clang++ ld.lld 19.1.3 libasync| C++ compiler for the build machine: c++ (gcc 12.2.0 "c++ (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0") libasync| C++ linker for the build machine: c++ ld.bfd 2.40 libasync| Program mdbook skipped: feature build_docs disabled libasync| Build targets in project: 0 libasync| Subproject libasync finished. Library gcc found: NO Program GenFw found: YES (/var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/tools/ovmf/bin/GenFw) Build targets in project: 2 libasync undefined docs: false managarm undefined Configuration Build flavor: kernel Subprojects bragi : YES cralgo : YES libarch : YES libasync : YES uacpi : YES User defined options Cross files : /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/scripts/meson-kernel-common.cross-file /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/scripts/meson-kernel-uefi-riscv64-managarm.cross-file build_kernel: true build_uefi : true buildtype : debugoptimized libdir : lib prefix : /usr/managarm wrap_mode : nofallback Found ninja-1.11.1 at /usr/bin/ninja xbstrap: build managarm-kernel-uefi [39/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:48.485850 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'configure', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 38, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'managarm-kernel-uefi'} xbstrap: Running ['ninja'] (tools: ['host-managarm-tools', 'ovmf', 'host-llvm-toolchain', 'host-pkg-config', 'host-bragi', 'host-python']) via cbuildrt PID init is 385535 (outside the namespace) [1/16] Compiling C++ object kernel/eir/protos/uefi/eir-uefi-elf.p/.._.._.._common_font-8x16.cpp.o [2/16] Compiling C object kernel/eir/protos/uefi/eir-uefi-elf.p/.._.._arch_riscv_stubs.S.o [3/16] Compiling C++ object kernel/eir/protos/uefi/eir-uefi-elf.p/.._.._arch_riscv_arch.cpp.o [4/16] Compiling C++ object kernel/eir/protos/uefi/eir-uefi-elf.p/.._.._arch_riscv_paging.cpp.o [5/16] Compiling C++ object kernel/eir/protos/uefi/eir-uefi-elf.p/.._.._generic_memory-layout.cpp.o [6/16] Compiling C++ object kernel/eir/protos/uefi/eir-uefi-elf.p/.._.._arch_riscv_platform_virt_early-log.cpp.o [7/16] Compiling C++ object kernel/eir/protos/uefi/eir-uefi-elf.p/helpers.cpp.o [8/16] Compiling C++ object kernel/eir/protos/uefi/eir-uefi-elf.p/.._.._.._common_libc.cpp.o [9/16] Compiling C++ object kernel/eir/protos/uefi/eir-uefi-elf.p/.._.._generic_main-function.cpp.o [10/16] Compiling C++ object kernel/eir/protos/uefi/eir-uefi-elf.p/.._.._generic_debug.cpp.o [11/16] Compiling C++ object kernel/eir/protos/uefi/eir-uefi-elf.p/.._.._generic_global-constructors.cpp.o [12/16] Compiling C++ object kernel/eir/protos/uefi/eir-uefi-elf.p/.._.._arch_riscv_cpu.cpp.o [13/16] Compiling C++ object kernel/eir/protos/uefi/eir-uefi-elf.p/.._.._generic_main.cpp.o [14/16] Compiling C++ object kernel/eir/protos/uefi/eir-uefi-elf.p/entry.cpp.o [15/16] Linking target kernel/eir/protos/uefi/eir-uefi-elf [16/16] Generating kernel/eir/protos/uefi/eir-uefi with a custom command xbstrap: Running ['ninja', 'install'] (tools: ['host-managarm-tools', 'ovmf', 'host-llvm-toolchain', 'host-pkg-config', 'host-bragi', 'host-python']) via cbuildrt PID init is 385583 (outside the namespace) xbstrap: pack managarm-kernel-uefi [40/40] [2025-02-19 20:56:52.353771 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'build', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 39, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'managarm-kernel-uefi'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-create', '-A', 'riscv64', '-s', 'managarm-kernel-uefi', '-n', 'managarm-kernel-uefi-0.0pl4947_1', '-D', 'frigg>=0 mlibc-headers>=0 freestnd-c-hdrs>=0 freestnd-cxx-hdrs>=0', '--desc', 'eir for UEFI', '--long-desc', 'This package provides eir-uefi.', '--license', 'MIT', '--homepage', 'https://managarm.org', '--maintainer', 'Marvin Friedrich ', '--tags', 'sys-kernel', '/tmp/tmpnazmzd9o'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo/managarm-kernel-uefi-0.0pl4947_1.riscv64.xbps'] (riscv64) [2025-02-19 20:56:52.517721 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'pack', 'architecture': 'riscv64', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 40, 'n_this': 40, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'managarm-kernel-uefi'} [2025-02-19 20:56:52.529095 sunset] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: successfully uploaded package managarm-kernel-uefi for JobMessage(project='managarm_riscv', job='package:managarm-kernel-uefi', repository='https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm.git', revision='95390ff72cf6f8bfab1b1db0c38a7e342f7a460e', output='tcp://', build_root='/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker', needed_pkgs={'freestnd-c-hdrs': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '0.0pl30_2'}, 'frigg': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '0.0pl352_7'}, 'freestnd-cxx-hdrs': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '0.0pl113_2'}, 'linux-headers': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '6.12.8_2'}, 'libdrm-headers': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '2.4.115_2'}, 'mlibc-headers': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '0.0pl4263_2'}}, needed_tools={'ovmf': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '2024.08_2'}, 'host-llvm-toolchain': {'architecture': {'riscv64'}, 'version': '19.1.3_4'}, 'host-pkg-config': {'architecture': {'riscv64'}, 'version': '0.29.2_2'}, 'host-python': {'architecture': {'riscv64'}, 'version': '3.10.12_1'}, 'host-managarm-tools': {'architecture': {'riscv64'}, 'version': '0.0pl4947_3'}, 'host-bragi': {'architecture': {'riscv64'}, 'version': '0.0pl97_1'}}, prod_pkgs={'managarm-kernel-uefi': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '0.0pl4947_1'}}, prod_tools={}, prod_files=[], tool_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm_riscv/tool_repo', pkg_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm_riscv/package_repo', mirror_root='https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/', distfile_path='xbbs/riscv64/') [2025-02-19 20:56:52.668464 sunset] INFO: xbbs.worker: job done. return code: 0