[2025-02-23 05:59:57.429824 chopin] INFO: xbbs.worker: running job JobMessage(project='managarm_riscv', job='package:libdrm', repository='https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm.git', revision='b59a952a8f88ff4944d2a11bdff29e377e22a4b1', output='tcp://', build_root='/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker', needed_pkgs={'libdrm-headers': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '2.4.115_2'}, 'mlibc-headers': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '0.0pl4279_2'}, 'linux-headers': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '6.12.8_2'}, 'frigg': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '0.0pl352_7'}, 'mlibc': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '0.0pl4279_2'}}, needed_tools={'cross-binutils': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '2.43.1_1'}, 'system-gcc': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '14.2.0_1'}}, prod_pkgs={'libdrm': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '2.4.115_9'}}, prod_tools={}, prod_files=[], tool_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm_riscv/tool_repo', pkg_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm_riscv/package_repo', mirror_root='https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/', distfile_path='xbbs/riscv64/') [2025-02-23 05:59:57.430207 chopin] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'init'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) hint: Using 'master' as the name for the initial branch. This default branch name hint: is subject to change. To configure the initial branch name to use in all hint: of your new repositories, which will suppress this warning, call: hint: hint: git config --global init.defaultBranch hint: hint: Names commonly chosen instead of 'master' are 'main', 'trunk' and hint: 'development'. The just-created branch can be renamed via this command: hint: hint: git branch -m Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/.git/ [2025-02-23 05:59:57.439841 chopin] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'remote', 'add', 'origin', 'https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm.git'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) [2025-02-23 05:59:57.448507 chopin] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'fetch', 'origin'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) From https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm * [new branch] master -> origin/master [2025-02-23 05:59:58.371150 chopin] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['git', 'checkout', '--detach', 'b59a952a8f88ff4944d2a11bdff29e377e22a4b1'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'}) HEAD is now at b59a952 scripts: increase image testing I/O timeout [2025-02-23 05:59:58.408949 chopin] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbstrap', 'init', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker'}) Creating cargo-home/config.toml [2025-02-23 06:00:02.565735 chopin] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-install', '-Uy', '-R', 'https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm_riscv/package_repo', '-r', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/system-root', '-SM', '--', 'libdrm-headers', 'mlibc-headers', 'linux-headers', 'frigg', 'mlibc'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'riscv64'}}) [*] Updating repository `https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm_riscv/package_repo/riscv64-repodata' ... riscv64-repodata: [9903B 41%] 81MB/s ETA: 00m00s riscv64-repodata: 9903B [avg rate: 197MB/s] 5 packages will be downloaded: 5 packages will be installed: libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2 mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2 linux-headers-6.12.8_2 frigg-0.0pl352_7 mlibc-0.0pl4279_2 Size to download: 7300KB Size required on disk: 29MB Space available on disk: 672GB [*] Downloading packages libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 35MB/s ETA: 00m00s libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 35MB/s] libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.riscv64.xbps: [114KB 3%] 150MB/s ETA: 00m00s libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.riscv64.xbps: 114KB [avg rate: 4292MB/s] libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2: verifying RSA signature... mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 33MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 33MB/s] mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.riscv64.xbps: [98KB 4%] 206MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.riscv64.xbps: 98KB [avg rate: 5034MB/s] mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2: verifying RSA signature... linux-headers-6.12.8_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 35MB/s ETA: 00m00s linux-headers-6.12.8_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 35MB/s] linux-headers-6.12.8_2.riscv64.xbps: [3054KB 0%] 186MB/s ETA: 00m00s linux-headers-6.12.8_2.riscv64.xbps: 3054KB [avg rate: 139GB/s] linux-headers-6.12.8_2: verifying RSA signature... frigg-0.0pl352_7.riscv64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 29MB/s ETA: 00m00s frigg-0.0pl352_7.riscv64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 29MB/s] frigg-0.0pl352_7.riscv64.xbps: [42KB 9%] 178MB/s ETA: 00m00s frigg-0.0pl352_7.riscv64.xbps: 42KB [avg rate: 1851MB/s] frigg-0.0pl352_7: verifying RSA signature... mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: [512B 100%] 38MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.riscv64.xbps.sig2: 512B [avg rate: 38MB/s] mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.riscv64.xbps: [3990KB 0%] 217MB/s ETA: 00m00s mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.riscv64.xbps: 3990KB [avg rate: 211GB/s] mlibc-0.0pl4279_2: verifying RSA signature... [*] Collecting package files libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2: collecting files... mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2: collecting files... linux-headers-6.12.8_2: collecting files... frigg-0.0pl352_7: collecting files... mlibc-0.0pl4279_2: collecting files... [*] Unpacking packages libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2: unpacking ... mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2: unpacking ... linux-headers-6.12.8_2: unpacking ... frigg-0.0pl352_7: unpacking ... mlibc-0.0pl4279_2: unpacking ... 5 downloaded, 5 installed, 0 updated, 5 configured, 0 removed. [2025-02-23 06:00:03.115690 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: creating repository with existing packages... [2025-02-23 06:00:03.116124 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.riscv64.xbps [2025-02-23 06:00:03.116526 chopin] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2.riscv64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'riscv64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `libdrm-headers-2.4.115_2' (riscv64). index: 1 packages registered. [2025-02-23 06:00:03.132457 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found frigg-0.0pl352_7.riscv64.xbps [2025-02-23 06:00:03.132901 chopin] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'frigg-0.0pl352_7.riscv64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'riscv64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `frigg-0.0pl352_7' (riscv64). index: 2 packages registered. [2025-02-23 06:00:03.149857 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.riscv64.xbps [2025-02-23 06:00:03.150450 chopin] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2.riscv64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'riscv64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `mlibc-headers-0.0pl4279_2' (riscv64). index: 3 packages registered. [2025-02-23 06:00:03.166726 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found linux-headers-6.12.8_2.riscv64.xbps [2025-02-23 06:00:03.169829 chopin] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'linux-headers-6.12.8_2.riscv64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'riscv64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `linux-headers-6.12.8_2' (riscv64). index: 4 packages registered. [2025-02-23 06:00:03.187710 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: ... found mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.riscv64.xbps [2025-02-23 06:00:03.191569 chopin] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '--', 'mlibc-0.0pl4279_2.riscv64.xbps'] (params {'extra_env': {'XBPS_ARCH': 'riscv64'}, 'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo'}) index: added `mlibc-0.0pl4279_2' (riscv64). index: 5 packages registered. [2025-02-23 06:00:06.791165 chopin] INFO: xbbs.worker: running command ['xbstrap-pipeline', 'run-job', '--keep-going', '--progress-file', 'fd:17', 'package:libdrm'] (params {'cwd': '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker', 'pass_fds': (17,)}) xbstrap: Running the following plan: fetch libdrm checkout libdrm patch libdrm regenerate libdrm install frigg (inside sysroot.e30vou43) install libdrm-headers (inside sysroot.e30vou43) install linux-headers (inside sysroot.e30vou43) install mlibc-headers (inside sysroot.e30vou43) install mlibc (inside sysroot.e30vou43) configure libdrm (inside sysroot.e30vou43) build libdrm (inside sysroot.e30vou43) pack libdrm xbstrap: fetch libdrm [1/12] Initialized empty Git repository in /var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker.src/ports/libdrm/.git/ From https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/git/libdrm * [new tag] libdrm-2.4.115 -> libdrm-2.4.115 xbstrap: checkout libdrm [2/12] [2025-02-23 06:00:07.313828 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'fetch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 1, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libdrm'} HEAD is now at ee558ce build: bump version to 2.4.115 xbstrap: patch libdrm [3/12] [2025-02-23 06:00:07.346488 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'checkout', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 2, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libdrm'} Applying: Managarm-specific changes Applying: Add more managarm-specific changes Applying: Even more managarm-specific changes xbstrap: regenerate libdrm [4/12] xbstrap: install frigg [5/12] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.e30vou43', 'frigg'] [2025-02-23 06:00:07.430175 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'patch', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 3, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libdrm'} [2025-02-23 06:00:07.430716 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'regenerate', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 4, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libdrm'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.e30vou43', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'frigg'] xbstrap: install libdrm-headers [6/12] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.e30vou43', 'libdrm-headers'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.e30vou43', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'libdrm-headers'][2025-02-23 06:00:07.439914 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 5, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'frigg'} xbstrap: install linux-headers [7/12] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.e30vou43', 'linux-headers'] [2025-02-23 06:00:07.447563 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 6, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libdrm-headers'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.e30vou43', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'linux-headers'] xbstrap: install mlibc-headers [8/12] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.e30vou43', 'mlibc-headers'] [2025-02-23 06:00:07.621742 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 7, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'linux-headers'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.e30vou43', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'mlibc-headers'] xbstrap: install mlibc [9/12] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-remove', '-Fy', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.e30vou43', 'mlibc'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-install', '-fyU', '-r', '/tmp/sysroot.e30vou43', '--repository', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo', 'mlibc'] [2025-02-23 06:00:07.645440 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 8, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'mlibc-headers'} xbstrap: configure libdrm [10/12] [2025-02-23 06:00:07.685461 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'install', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 9, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'mlibc'} xbstrap: Running ['meson', '--native-file', '@SOURCE_ROOT@/scripts/meson.native-file', '--cross-file', '@SOURCE_ROOT@/scripts/meson-@OPTION:arch-triple@.cross-file', '--prefix=/usr', '--libdir=lib', '--buildtype=debugoptimized', '-Dintel=disabled', '-Dvmwgfx=disabled', '-Dradeon=disabled', '-Damdgpu=disabled', '-Dnouveau=disabled', '-Dfreedreno=disabled', '-Detnaviv=disabled', '-Dvc4=disabled', '-Dcairo-tests=disabled', '@THIS_SOURCE_DIR@'] (tools: ['system-gcc', 'cross-binutils']) via cbuildrt PID init is 4014785 (outside the namespace) The Meson build system Version: 1.7.0 Source dir: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/ports/libdrm Build dir: /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/build/pkg-builds/libdrm Build type: cross build Project name: libdrm Project version: 2.4.115 C compiler for the host machine: riscv64-managarm-gcc (gcc 14.2.0 "riscv64-managarm-gcc (managarm) 14.2.0") C linker for the host machine: riscv64-managarm-gcc ld.bfd 2.43.1 C compiler for the build machine: cc (gcc 12.2.0 "cc (Debian 12.2.0-14) 12.2.0") C linker for the build machine: cc ld.bfd 2.40 Build machine cpu family: x86_64 Build machine cpu: x86_64 Host machine cpu family: riscv64 Host machine cpu: riscv64 Target machine cpu family: riscv64 Target machine cpu: riscv64 Run-time dependency threads found: YES Program symbols-check.py found: YES (/usr/bin/python3 /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/ports/libdrm/symbols-check.py) Program nm found: YES (/usr/bin/nm) Program python3 found: YES (/usr/bin/python3) Did not find pkg-config by name 'riscv64-managarm-pkg-config' Found pkg-config: NO Found CMake: NO Run-time dependency atomic_ops found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake) Checking if "Intel Atomics" links: YES Dependency pciaccess skipped: feature intel disabled Checking for function "dlsym" : YES Checking for function "clock_gettime" : YES Library m found: YES Checking if "sys/sysctl.h works" compiles: NO Check usable header "sys/select.h" : YES Check usable header "alloca.h" : YES Header "sys/sysmacros.h" has symbol "major" : YES Header "sys/sysmacros.h" has symbol "minor" : YES Header "sys/sysmacros.h" has symbol "makedev" : YES Header "sys/mkdev.h" has symbol "major" : NO Checking for function "open_memstream" : YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wsign-compare: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Werror=undef: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Werror=implicit-function-declaration: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wpointer-arith: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wwrite-strings: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wstrict-prototypes: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-prototypes: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-declarations: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wnested-externs: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wpacked: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wswitch-enum: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wmissing-format-attribute: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wstrict-aliasing=2: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Winit-self: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Winline: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wshadow: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wdeclaration-after-statement: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wold-style-definition: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-unused-parameter: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-attributes: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-long-long: YES Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-missing-field-initializers: YES Run-time dependency cunit found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake) Dependency cairo skipped: feature cairo-tests disabled Run-time dependency valgrind found: NO (tried pkgconfig) Program rst2man rst2man.py found: NO Compiler for C supports function attribute visibility:hidden: YES Configuring config.h using configuration ../../../src/ports/libdrm/meson.build:286: DEPRECATION: Project uses feature that was always broken, and is now deprecated since '1.3.0': str.format: Value other than strings, integers, bools, options, dictionaries and lists thereof.. Build targets in project: 10 NOTICE: Future-deprecated features used: * 0.55.0: {'ExternalProgram.path'} WARNING: Broken features used: * 1.3.0: {'str.format: Value other than strings, integers, bools, options, dictionaries and lists thereof.'} libdrm 2.4.115 Intel : false Radeon : false AMDGPU : false Nouveau : false vmwgfx : false OMAP : false Freedreno : false Freedreon-kgsl: false Tegra : false Etnaviv : false EXYNOS : false VC4 : false User defined options Cross files : /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/scripts/meson-riscv64-managarm.cross-file Native files : /var/lib/managarm-buildenv/src/scripts/meson.native-file amdgpu : disabled buildtype : debugoptimized cairo-tests : disabled etnaviv : disabled freedreno : disabled intel : disabled libdir : lib nouveau : disabled prefix : /usr radeon : disabled vc4 : disabled vmwgfx : disabled Found ninja-1.11.1 at /usr/bin/ninja WARNING: Running the setup command as `meson [options]` instead of `meson setup [options]` is ambiguous and deprecated. xbstrap: build libdrm [11/12] [2025-02-23 06:00:09.167331 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'configure', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 10, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libdrm'} xbstrap: Running ['ninja'] (tools: ['system-gcc', 'cross-binutils']) via cbuildrt PID init is 4014944 (outside the namespace) [1/28] Generating format_mod_static_table with a custom command [2/28] Compiling C object tests/util/libutil.a.p/format.c.o [3/28] Compiling C object tests/util/libutil.a.p/kms.c.o [4/28] Compiling C object tests/modetest/modetest.p/cursor.c.o [5/28] Compiling C object tests/vbltest/vbltest.p/vbltest.c.o [6/28] Compiling C object tests/hash.p/hash.c.o [7/28] Compiling C object tests/drmsl.p/drmsl.c.o [8/28] Compiling C object tests/modetest/modetest.p/buffers.c.o [9/28] Compiling C object libdrm.so.2.4.0.p/xf86drmHash.c.o [10/28] Compiling C object tests/proptest/proptest.p/proptest.c.o [11/28] Compiling C object libdrm.so.2.4.0.p/xf86drmRandom.c.o [12/28] Compiling C object tests/drmdevice.p/drmdevice.c.o [13/28] Compiling C object tests/modeprint/modeprint.p/modeprint.c.o [14/28] Compiling C object libdrm.so.2.4.0.p/xf86drmSL.c.o [15/28] Compiling C object libdrm.so.2.4.0.p/xf86drmMode.c.o [16/28] Compiling C object tests/modetest/modetest.p/modetest.c.o [17/28] Compiling C object tests/util/libutil.a.p/pattern.c.o [18/28] Linking static target tests/util/libutil.a [19/28] Compiling C object libdrm.so.2.4.0.p/xf86drm.c.o [20/28] Linking target libdrm.so.2.4.0 [21/28] Generating symbol file libdrm.so.2.4.0.p/libdrm.so.2.4.0.symbols [22/28] Linking target tests/drmsl [23/28] Linking target tests/drmdevice [24/28] Linking target tests/modeprint/modeprint [25/28] Linking target tests/vbltest/vbltest [26/28] Linking target tests/hash [27/28] Linking target tests/proptest/proptest [28/28] Linking target tests/modetest/modetest xbstrap: Running ['ninja', 'install'] (tools: ['system-gcc', 'cross-binutils']) via cbuildrt PID init is 4015056 (outside the namespace) xbstrap: pack libdrm [12/12] [2025-02-23 06:00:10.899112 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'build', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 11, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libdrm'} xbstrap: Running ['xbps-create', '-A', 'riscv64', '-s', 'libdrm', '-n', 'libdrm-2.4.115_9', '-D', 'mlibc>=0', '--desc', 'X.Org libdrm library', '--long-desc', 'Libdrm provides a userspace library for accessing the direct rendering manager (DRM) on operating systems that support the ioctl interface. Libdrm is a low-level library, typically used by graphics drivers such as the Mesa DRI drivers, the X drivers, libva and similar projects.', '--license', 'MIT', '--homepage', 'https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/mesa/drm', '--maintainer', 'no92 ', '--tags', 'dev-libs', '/tmp/tmp5__2_hf3'] xbstrap: Running ['xbps-rindex', '-fa', '/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker/xbps-repo/libdrm-2.4.115_9.riscv64.xbps'] (riscv64) [2025-02-23 06:00:10.945340 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: got notify {'action': 'pack', 'architecture': 'riscv64', 'artifact_files': [], 'n_all': 12, 'n_this': 12, 'status': 'success', 'subject': 'libdrm'} [2025-02-23 06:00:10.947891 chopin] DEBUG: xbbs.worker: successfully uploaded package libdrm for JobMessage(project='managarm_riscv', job='package:libdrm', repository='https://github.com/managarm/bootstrap-managarm.git', revision='b59a952a8f88ff4944d2a11bdff29e377e22a4b1', output='tcp://', build_root='/var/lib/xbbs/tmp/worker', needed_pkgs={'libdrm-headers': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '2.4.115_2'}, 'mlibc-headers': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '0.0pl4279_2'}, 'linux-headers': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '6.12.8_2'}, 'frigg': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '0.0pl352_7'}, 'mlibc': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '0.0pl4279_2'}}, needed_tools={'cross-binutils': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '2.43.1_1'}, 'system-gcc': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '14.2.0_1'}}, prod_pkgs={'libdrm': {'architecture': 'riscv64', 'version': '2.4.115_9'}}, prod_tools={}, prod_files=[], tool_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm_riscv/tool_repo', pkg_repo='https://mirrors.managarm.org/currents/managarm_riscv/package_repo', mirror_root='https://mirrors.managarm.org/mirror/', distfile_path='xbbs/riscv64/') [2025-02-23 06:00:11.033569 chopin] INFO: xbbs.worker: job done. return code: 0